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"Bella, look there" Edward shouted to Bella over the roar of the engine.

The two were in Rio de Janeiro, on their way to the secret destination of their honey moon. Edward had appeased Bella by agreeing to have a real honey moon with her. Though he knew it was dangerous, he also knew that it was part of their original deal for her to marry him.

Their original deal...

Before he planned to leave her. Before he learned about magic, about wizards and witches. Before he had met Gwen.

Edward's smile slightly faded as he turned away from Bella, focusing on driving the boat East of Rio, and pushing the accelerator a little more. As the boat began to pick up speed, he tried to forget the growing doubt in his mind and focus on his duty.

His duty to Bella. His duty to his wife.

Edward placed one hand on the boat's accelerator and the other on the wheel, making his way through the ocean as he focused on the remarkable sounds of the boat crashing against the waves.

"Where are we?" Bella murmured.

"Isle Esme" Edward said quietly, feeling the growing sense of doubt and guilt overwhelming the pure joy he found in speeding through the ocean.

Edward saw the dock, positioning the boat to slide gently next to it. He cut the engine and stood at the wheel for a moment. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as he focused himself. Steadied himself. Knowing this was forever. And he might as well start living in it.

"Isle Esme?" Bella asked, her voice cutting through the dark silent night.

"A gift from Carlisle—Esme offered to let us borrow it."

Edward could feel Bella's hesitation in the idea of gifting an island, so he turned away from her, making his way to gather their luggage from the boat. He could feel Bella eyeing him nervously, as she remained on the boat while he placed he suitcases on the dock.

He knew she could sense his hesitancy. He knew she could read it on his face in the moments he thought he was safe to briefly let the mask he had been wearing go. He knew he needed to do better. So he used the time he had to face away from her to take one more deep breath. To recompose himself. And to remind himself of the duty he swore to her.

They were husband and wife. Bonded by words they shared just days ago.

And so, Edward turned back to Bella, filling his face with a smile as he reached for her and scooped her up in his arms. Bella came willingly to him, as her smile brightened up her face from confusion or worry.

"Aren't you supposed to wait for the threshold?" Bella asked, breathless, as he carried her warm body.

And Edward did not skip a beat, playing his role as the dutiful husband, "I'm nothing if not thorough."

Gripping the handles of both steamer trunks in one hand and holding Bella against his chest in the other arm, he carried her up the dock and onto a pale sand pathway through the dark vegetation. As they made their way through the dark, he heard Bella's heart pounding against her chest. Her breathing began to uneven. Frowning, Edward looked down at her and wondered what was wrong. Though, in a split second, he decided against it and continued on.

When they arrived at the door of the house, he placed the luggage on the porch and opened the door. Once more, he looked down at Bella and their eyes met.

Bella Swan's warm brown eyes looked up at him with clear love and adoration. Once, her eyes filled him with nothing but a desire to be human to be with her. Once, her eyes were deep caverns of mystery and filled him with glorious life. And now, every glance from her filled him with the outmost guilt.

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Where stories live. Discover now