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Gwen smiled brightly, as she did her best to undo Edward's buttoned up shirt, "I know you're making this more complicated, you could have ripped this off in a second."

Edward grinned his crooked grin, "The anticipation is worth the wait, what is a few more seconds?"

"Do you use that line a lot?" Gwen laughed genuinely.

Edward chuckled, his lips roaming her neck as she felt herself get lost in the moment as he remained above her; her fingers curled in his bronze-colored hair. She felt his cold lips on her skin as she had the feeling of fullness and warmth, despite his cold skin.

He brought his hands to her waist, pulling her closer to him so that there was no space between them. His hands trailed up her body, setting her very skin on fire, before taking her face in his hands and kissing her harder, as though unwilling to let her go.

Edward brought his lips to her shoulders, kissing along them gently.

"I love you" he whispered. "I love you so much."

Gwen turned to look at him, whispering the words back and meaning them with all of her heart.

Their breathing ragged, knowing they were on borrowed time. Gwen took charge as she swiflty traced her lips down his chest, kissing down to his abdomen until she felt him freeze into a stone-like statue.

"Is this okay for you?" Gwen asked him, stopping at once, concerned.

Edward sighed, taking a deep breath as he looked as though he were in pain. Gwen immediately rolled back down, so that they were on their sides again.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"No" Edward said at once. "No, that...that felt nice. I just--I can't...I'm sorry--"

Edward suddenly pulled away, quickly jumping out of bed with his vampire-like speed, as though Gwen was covered in spattergroit. If was anyone but him, her ego would have been bruised. But she knew something was wrong.

"Edward, talk to me, what's going on?" Gwen asked, puzzled at his frustrated reaction. "Do you need more dragon blood?"

"I was caught up, in the humanity of it all" Edward managed, his breathing ragged as he turned his back to her. "I momentarily forgot the dangers."

"What dangers?" Gwen asked patiently. "Look at me."

With a deep breath and pained expression, Edward turned back to her, "You're the strongest person I know, but if I let myself go. I could crush your skull in a second."

"I thought you and Bella--?"

"We did" Edward said, hesitating. His golden eyes shifted away, and that's when she knew there was something else.

"So you were okay with possibly crushing Bella's skull?" Gwen teased gently, as she raised her hand towards him, as though inviting him back to their bed. "Talk to me."

Edward took another deep breath, looking at her in a vulnerable manner as his cold fingers intertwined with her own. She led him back to their bed, both laying next to each other as his naked arms wrapped around her.

"If I don't know what's happening inside of your head, I can't help you" Gwen said gently, kissing his chest softly. "I won't know how this is supposed to work."

"This isn't the issue" Edward murmured, as their eyes met once more. He traced his finger down her neck and lingered on her blouse. "I don't quite know...I don't know how to put it together. I thought it was one thing, but now I know it is not and--"

"I've never seen you like this before" Gwen mused, seeing how difficult it was for him to put two thoughts together. "What if you brainstorm out loud? Perhaps I can help."

𝑺𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑪𝑬 [𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑹𝒀 𝑷𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑬𝑹/𝑻𝑾𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat