Dean x Reader

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"Dean Winchester?" You questioned your friend who was sitting across form you at the table in your kitchen. She nodded, blowing out a irritated sigh.

"Yeah, he's a new kid at school," She told you, you nodded.

"Of course, the day i miss school just so happens to be the same day a new kid arrives," you say shaking your a head laughing. Your friend laughed along with you.

"Anyways, his name is Dean Winchester and from what I saw, he is a player, so cliche," you let out a laugh shaking your head.

"He can't be that bad, our school isn't even cliche," you replied but she started to shake her head.

"Trust me, he is that cliche, he's such a flirt," Your friend let out a laugh.

"He has a younger brother, a few years below our grade though, freshman," she told you, you nodded at her. "He's a geek though but he's very buff, surprising combo seeing as how cliche his older brother is, Dean is blonde and it shows," you let out a laugh.

"What's his name?" you asked her.

"His name is Sam, Dean calls him Sammy, but I noticed that Dean is the only one that calls him that, if anyone else does he immediately corrects them," you nodded furrowing your brow. It's a common nickname.

"Oh, that's a bit odd, maybe they are just very close," you tried to come up with a reason for their actions. Your friend shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh and Dean drives some old boring car, like you'd think him being the way he is he'd have at least some shiny awesome car, but nope it's so old," you rolled your eyes, heaving a sigh. Your friend never really understood cars.

"Well, doesn't matter, give me my homework," you told her. She gave a weird look before giving a sigh and reaching into her nightbag.

"Such a joy kill you are," she said laughing.

"Well, I need to get this done sometime don't I?" You questioned her, she rolled her eyes. "That is the reason why I asked you to get this for me," she nodded.

"Here, I'll help you with it," you nodded, smiling.

"You mean I'll help you? Come on, get your binder," she rolled her eyes before taking out her own binder.

In the morning you were getting excited to get ready to go to school, wondering what this new kid looked like. He was blonde, buff, and a flirt according to your friend.

But you wanted to see for yourself, you wanted to judge him.

Getting to school you saw the car which no doubt Dean drives, the 'old boring' car according to your friend. It was a 1967 Chevy Impala, it was in very good condition, the coat was black and to be honest, it looked brand new.

You let out a small laugh, old? Boring? Not exactly.

Seeing your friend, you ran over to her and saw she was staring at the front of the school, following her gaze you saw what was taking up her attention; the new kids.

He was buff, but he was short. And he was flirting with every girl that passed the front doors. That must be Sam who was behind him. Seeing as this school was in a small town, you basically new or seen everybody at this school, new kids were a rarity so it was obvious who they were.

Sam was small, well he was skinny, but he was tall. Almost as tall as Dean.

Walking there with your friend you saw your friend getting warm cheeks as you neared the two. Rolling your eyes you pushed forward.

"Hey, didn't see you, what's your name?" He questioned you as you walked passed him.

"(Y/n), nice car by the way, you must be a proud owner if you keep it that clean," you told him, he nodded, smiling a bit.

"Of course, it's my dad's, so I have to keep it up," he told you, you nodded. Walking into the school, you heard your friend let out a giggle.

"He's staring at you (y/n)," you let out an annoyed sigh.

"Can you not act like we are 12?" You asked her, but she only laughed.

After school you saw Dean standing by the entrance of the school, waiting for someone. Looking around, you didn't see Sam any where.

"Hey (y/n)," he said when you were nearing him. You nodded at him, a small smile on your face.

"Waiting for someone?" you asked him and he nodded.

"Yup, and here you are," He said, you cocked your head to the side a bit.

"Wanna go grab a bite to eat? I'm starving and new to this town, I figured you'd know a good place to eat," you rolled your eyes, it was a town not a city. (author's note, originally this was going to be "I'm famished", but then I realized that that doesn't sound like Dean at all xD oh well)

"Why not," you said looking at him, he smiled, he green eyes shown bright.

"Awesome," he said. You started to walk outside and saw his car in the parking lot.

"Where's Sam?" you questioned him not seeing him in his car.

"He staying at the school for some after school tutor help or something," Dean said. You nodded slightly. (I was going to go with he went to friend's house but let's be honest with ourselves, he did that once as a child and it didn't end well, and besides he probably would go to a help session to tutor other people and if not fuck it)

"So, just give me directions and we'll be on our way," Dean said hurrying over to the passenger side and opening the door for you.

"Thanks," you said, he flashed you a smile.

"Ok, there is this nice little family bistro place, let's go there," he nodded.

"It's a date."


Ok, I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.

Sorry i HAVEN'T UPDATED THIS IN LIKE A MONTH OOPS CAP too lazy to go back.

Anyways I'll try to update more.

NOT EDITED no surprise there though.

I'm just nearing the end of my final school year so it's getting a bit busy, especially at home because mom wants everything to be perfect so we are planning and replanning. also I have like 2 family reunions, one is 3 days after my grad... yup pretty busy.

Ok, that's my excuse xD


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