Gabriel x Reader

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Hey! I love this Angel for some reason, I rewatch some episodes and I just... Yeah anyways here ya go.

"Gabriel!" You shouted gleefully jumping into his arms. When you were in his arms, you wouldn't see it but he would look at you lovingly, and smile like he just got the news of Christmas coming early for an 8 year old.

No you would't see it, but Sam and Dean would. They would always see the pain in Gabriel's eyes that you were in his life but you could never be in his life like he wanted. He couldn't do that to you, he didn't want to but the person he truly loved in danger like that.

"(Y/n), hey how's it going?" He asked you. You let go off him but stayed close by.

"It's going and you? How's heaven?" You asked him. He smiled.

"Heaven's good, it's all 'good'" you laughed. After awhile heaven almost seemed like a joke with those douchbag Angels. Some were good like Cas, one however held you heart Gabriel.

"We'll give you guys some privacy," your cheeks went red as you heard Sam say that, Dean nodding giving you guys a wink. He shook your head and hid you face in the crook of Gabriel's neck hugging him one more.

He wrapped his arms around you.

"I hate them, thinking they are all smart, leaving us alone like that, I mean I didn't need them to leave to show how I feel to you," you heard Gabriel say. You smiled.

"And how do you feel about me," you asked him loosing your hold so you can look him in the eye.

With out hesitating or loosing eye contact, he leaned in and kissed you, not on you nose like he usually does, but on your lips. You leaned into the kiss, enjoying it thoroughly.

You reached up with your hands and went through his his with them.

"You make me crazy," he said removing his lips from your lips only to find you neck, searching for a soft spot.

"You won't get out of my mind," he said continuing with his search.

"And you drive me wild," as soon as he said that, you moaned a little as he found your soft spot. You felt him grin at this and attacked it.

He picked you up, wrapping you legs around his waist, pushing you on the bed.

"You leave me speechless so many times, I am shocked," he returned to your lips.

"You are more beautiful every day," he continued.

"You never seem to bore me, you always make me laugh," his voice so passionate, you couldn't help but to smile at his words.

"And above all, my world becomes brighter when I am with you, (y/n), you always make me smile," he said and kissed you more fiercely.

By this time your lips were bruised, and you had a hickey on you neck.

"Gabriel?" You asked him.

"Hmm?" He replied.

"I love you," your words seem to shock him, but a second later his smile returned, brighter than you have ever seen.

"I love you too (y/n), and I always will, don't you forget that,".

I apologize for it's shortness, I am in the middle of figuring out university stuff, I applied and I was accepted and so far... that was the 'easy' part, now I have to do paperwork and send in a bunch of stuff and, it's just complicated.

Anyways, thanks for reading, have a good day/night!

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