Sam x Reader

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No requests, so Imma do yet another random one shot, Sam this time.

"Dean!" You shouted, running towards him. No you weren't in battle, you were in a forest that was near the bunker. You saw him duck behind a tree.

You grinned, quietly moving towards the tree planning on a sneak attack. When you neared the tree, you ran around it, only to be disappointed when Dean wasn't there.

"Behind you," Dean scared you with a laugh. You quickly turned around, feeling the urge to whack him.

"Dean, don't do that!" You shouted at him. He let out a laugh.

"You know what? I'll test your ability to hide, go on now," Dean said, you nodded and started to run. Why was he always like this? He would turn all nice and cheesy around you but when Sam was near he went back to normal or whatever you want to call it.

With out realizing, you were at the door to the bunker, you knocked since Dean had the key, and waited about a minute before Sam opened it from the inside. He looked at you with a goofy grin.

"Where's Dean?" He asked you glancing behind you. At that question you grinned.

"Looking for me," you said, he nodded with a laugh.

"Hey, I think I got wind of a case, but maybe not come and read it over," when he said that you nodded.

"So, how's training?" Sam asked you as guys went down the stairs.

"It's alright," you replied, he nodded. You guys walked over to the table that was near the entrance.

"Ok, here it is," he handed you a news paper. You took it, and was slightly excited as you realized you guys were alone, in the bunker, together. Let's be honest, you had a crush on Sammy.

"I don't think it's a case, I think it's just something you hear in the news you know? Some random tragic story," you told him honestly. He nodded.

"Yeah, I needed a second opinion," he told you with a smile. Which of course, you returned.

"So (y/n)," Sam said awkwardly. You let out a laugh, Sam was an awkward person sometimes.

"Your so awkward, it's really cute how hard you try sometimes," when you said that he looked away, hiding his face. You let out another laugh.

"Sam, it's ok to be called cute, in fact you should probably get used to that fact, you may be tall but that just makes it cuter," you told him. At this he turned to you, his face a bit red, but he was smiling.

"You the short one, your the cute one," not expecting him to say that you stared at him in shock. You recovered quickly and smiled.

"Sammy, wait can I call you Sammy?" When he nodded you felt all warm inside, your smiling widening, "Okay, Sammy do you, oh you know, possibly like me?" You were always straight forward, when you wanted to know something, you didn't hesitate to ask.

"Why are you always straight forward?" He said, ignoring your question.

"Because, now answer my question," You told him. He looked at you, directly in the eyes. He started to lean towards you, not once breaking eye contact and briefly planted his lips on yours.

"Does that answer your question?" When he said that, he was still so close you felt his breath on your noise.

"Now can I ask you-" you cut his question off, already knowing that he was going to ask you the same question you just did with him, by kissing him more Friday than him.

You pulled him closer by wrapping your hands around his neck and pulling on him, he placed his hands on your hips. You tangled your hands in his hair, intensifying the kiss.

You didn't know how long you guys made out for but you guys were defiantly surprised when Dean cleared his throat.

"So you left me looking for you for an hour just to go swap salvia with my brother? Come on you guys, next just tell your going to do the dirty I'll leave!" Dean said angrily, he threw his hands in the air as he walked away.

You started to laugh along with Sam.

"Oh, (y/n), you didn't let me finish my question," you looked at him, since you thought his question was going to be if you liked him.

"(Y/n), do you wanna go out with me?" He asked you, pink in his cheeks.

With a smile you nodded and kissed his cheeks.

"You are so cute when you blush," you told him with a laugh.

He then attacked your lips again.

Not that long I know, sorry.

Request please! Comment how I am doing :)

Anyways thanks for reading, remember stay classy.

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