Lucifer x Reader

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"Darling, did you forget what day it is today?" You said in a coy voice as you played with Lucifers jacket buttons. He looked at you an amused look on his face.
His expression wasn't one you have seen very often before he became your... Well at the moment he was your boyfriend. You never really knew what was happening between the two of you, but you remember the day when the two of you went from human and archangel (ex), to romantic interests.
The two of you never declared your love for each other or anything of that sort.
You felt it.
"And what day is that?" He asked you as he grabbed your hand from his jacket and placed it on his shoulder. You smiled up at him.
"Technically it can be called an anniversary, but I don't know what it is with us," you said.
"Well, what else? It's an anniversary of our... um..." he trailed off making the two of you laugh.
"I love you," his sudden statement surprised you enough to take your hands from his shoulders.
"I don't know what I did right, like honestly I have no idea," he chuckled a bit. "To even deserve love, and yet I managed to have you. You. (Y/n). I don't know how it happened but I'm glad it did, I don't know what we are but I know every time I look at you, all the bad goes away and I am filled with something that I know I haven't felt in years. Suddenly this void in my chest is filled and it's because of you. Every time I look at you I am happy I am alive, I am happy I am breathing, I become a different guy, and I like him. But I love you." You laughed suddenly, of course he had to put somewhere in there that he loved himself.
"I'm serious (y/n)," he said looking at you trying to hold back the smile that was coming on.
"I know I know, I love you two, and I think I found the title for us."
"And that is?"
"Let's celebrate our anniversary. Let's celebrate us."
"That's sounds boring but I'll take it."

Aww Lucifer.

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