Story Concept

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Just a quick story concept, I was thinking about this an another one. This one was just interesting. It would be a Castiel x Reader concept where God is actually the reader's father. While God was experiencing on being a human one of the times he was with a woman, I'm implying he knocked her up. 

Please share your thoughts!

sorry not edited

"So you are an Angel?" You sputtered out as you looked at Castiel in his brownish coat. He looked at you and nodded once more.

"Yes, now please hurry, we don't have a lot of time," He replied again. You shook your head. Was there really an angel in front you.

"Hurry? What again?" Castiel roughly grabbed your hand and practically dragged you outside of your house. 

Out there you saw a black car with two more people whom you never met.

"Are they Angels too?"At this Castiel laughed. You stared in shock, he laughed. It was-

"No, they are human like yourself," He said before opening the door to the car and buckling you up. 

"Is she the one?" The man with short hair asked from the driver's seat.

"Oh yes, this is the one," Castiel replied before sitting beside you. 

"Excuse me?" You asked shocked at how familiar these guys were talking about you. How creepy.

"You need to help us," You sassy side and some what confused side came on.

"I need to help you? You just fucking kidnapped me, this guy said he's an Angel, and now I need to fucking help you? I need to get out of here," You said unbuckling yourself, not wanting to stay in this car, hot or not they were crazy.

You reached the car handle but then everything disappeared in you were in what seems to be a n old cabin, you bent over, your stomach not prepared for whatever just happened.

"Ah sorry, but you don't understand the situation," You glanced up, looking at the 'Angel' or whatever. 

"Then explain it to me," You said.

"You seem strangely calm," You looked at him, in complete frustration.

"Listen to me, I was kidnapped by an angel, which goes against all what I believed about Angels, or what people say about them or whatever, two strange men asked if I was the right one, and now and I just threw up because I have been fucking teleported? I am a second away from loosing my shit, so explain it to me fast before it happens," Castiel looked at you and nodded. 

"You are important to God, we don't know why, but God's gone and we need him back."

"Excuse me? God?"

"Yes, my father."


"My Father," he said a bit louder. 

"Um, yeah sure ok continue," Castiel nodded.

"Basically, we need you to get God back, I don't know why but you are important to him."

"I mean, what?" 

"Do you have a hearing problem? I didn't know I am sorry I should have-"

"What was your name again?" Castiel looked completely frustrated.

"Castiel," You nodded.

"Can I go home," the look on his face when you asked that made it worth asking the question. You started laughing.

"Ok but seriously, I need to study for a test and I don't really want to be here and you could like knock me out and put me in my bed and I'll honestly believe this was all a dream because this whole situation is crazy," You said quite seriously.

"This isn't a dream (y/n), we need you to get God back."

"Ok, where's God at, let's go get him."

"It's not that easy."

"Well do you know where he is?" Castiel stayed quiet.

"Take me home, you don't know where he is yet-"

"What's the meaning on this Castiel?" You turned around and you saw your dad. 

"Dad?" He refused to look at you. 

"Dad? Wait what did you just call him?" Castiel said grabbing your attention. 

"Castiel, what is the meaning of this?" You dad asked Castiel again.

"Dad, what are you doing here? Where did you go, how do you know this man? You know he's calling himself an Angel right?" You dad looked at you. He sighed.

"Castiel take her home, (y/n), I'm sorry."

"Wait dad please-" and you were home, bent over again. "Take me back."

"I can't do that, I have disobeyed my Father enough times," You looked at him. 

"He's my dad, he, he , that man was my father," He looked at you.

"I'm sorry, I should never have brought you."

"Castiel!" You screamed but he disappeared.



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