Sam x Reader

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It all started in the library, where else would potential geek lovers meet?

Of course, you knew Dean. You and him would play pool at the bar, he would buy drinks and you'd just play to have a good time. He never once hit on you. He treated you like he genuinely wanted to get to know you, like he knew something about you that you didn't.

Which should have been your first guess because he flirts like a little whore.

It was frustrating at times but you let it go. (Damn it frozen)

You didn't know that he was trying to get used to you. That it was his little brother that would be doing the flirting.

You walked into the library only to see a very big guy with long hair.

"Excuse me," you said to walk by him. He was talking to the librarian, getting help. He was probably lost or something. He doesn't look like he should belong in a library.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to be in your way," you smiled a little in his direction only to get caught of guard when you saw his face.

First his long sexy hair and now his sexy face? Even his shoulder blades were sexy.

"Not a problem," you said trying to keep the convo going for a second more. With a nod, you walked away, a little sigh escaped your lips.

You were happy, didn't matter that you didn't know him.

It didn't matter that you were probably never going to see him again.

Ok, it did matter, but you tried to not let it show.

You went and grabbed a book about history because it always seem to interest you. When you went and picked a table, the guy from earlier sat across from you.

"Uhh, can I help you?" You asked him.

"I'm good, but thanks," you nodded, taking your seats off of him and turning them to your book.

"My name's Sam," he said suddenly.

"Oh, my name is (y/n)," you told him, he nodded smiling.

"That's a pretty name," he told you. You felt your smile turn to genuine, and your cheeks heat up a little.

"Thanks Sam," you said. He smiled when you said his name.

"So, whatcha reading?" He asked you. You quickly glanced down and saw the title 'The Supernatural events that took place in our History'. When you saw the word history you just grabbed it.

"Uhh, it's nothing really," you said, not wanting him to think you are crazy.

"Supernatural events in history eh?" He asked, a smile on his face.

"I guess so," you replied.

"I just so happen to know a lot about the Supernatural, maybe I can tell you? It'll probably be better than that book," he said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh yea? What do you know?" You asked him, doubting it.

"First Vampires, not sparkly, there aren't 2 teeth that are sharp, there is a whole set of teeth concealed in their mouths to blend in with humans, but one thing is sure, they are not to be trusted and you should kill one when you see one," he said. He was very serious, you started to giggle, and he just gave you a flat look.

"Ok, sorry, and how do you give one?" You asked him.

"Simple, chop off it's head," he said, you smiled and he matched your smile.

"You seem to really know what you are talking about, a lot of confidence, I almost believe you," you told him. He rolled his eyes at this. "The idea of slaying these creatures would asking though, imagine that, criss-crossing around the county killing the supernatural."

"Well, if you join my brother and I, you wouldn't have to imagine," he said in a low voice, almost as if he didn't want you to hear.

"What did you just say?" You asked.

"What? I didn't say anything."

"Well, that's too bad, because I would drop everything and go with you, not much left in this place anyways," you blew out a sigh. Hearing things? No, he said it. Don't even lie to me biaotch. (Author:.... sshh it never happened)

"You would, go with a complete stranger after they told you that?" He asked you, not sarcastically he was serious.

"To be honest? No, but you never gave me any reason to not trust you, so I believe you," you told him, he nodded smiling.

"Well then (y/n), you are going to go back a bag, I'll help, and we shall go, we have no other reason to be in this town," you looked confused for a second, then with out hesitation you nodded.

So, like he said, you guys went to pack a few bags, he told all about him and his brother's adventures and it was great.

Before you left your apartment, Sam kissed you, it was slow and full if passion and warmth.

You knew then that it was the first of many.

Loving a stranger couldn't have gone any better, really.


There you guys go, I figured it's been a while since I updated a samshot.

Supernatural x Reader ~OneShots~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt