Lucifer x Reader

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If non supernatural characters were to read this oneshot, I don't know how to tell them that this is not devil worship.

Anyways, he was requested A LONG TIME AGO SO SORRY!

And it was also requested that the reader had a kid with them... So I won't write the process but instead about 9 months later... Maybe like 2 years later.


"Lucy, Lucy, Lucy," you cooed at your baby girl. She was yawning as she slowly woke up, no crying. She was two years old now.

"Isn't she adorable?" You felt your husband's arms wrap around your waist, feeling his warm breath on you neck, not even staring at Lucy, you smiled.

"Though her name, I still think it sounds incredibly familiar," you let out a laugh, the sarcasm in his voice laid heavy.

"Really? That's weird, it doesn't sound familiar to me," you replied, picking her up and holding her in your arms. Lucifer moved his arms to wrap them around you and his baby girl.

"Well (y/n), I hope you know that I love you... Even though you named our baby girl after me," the room filled with your laughter. "I think I love the sound of your laughter even more then when I first heard it," you felt the need to cover your mouth as you continued to laugh at his cheesiness. Seeing as you were holding Lucy, it wouldn't be the best option for you.

"You are the cheesiest man ever, something I was not expecting when we got together," you told him, his laugh made you smile.

"I also bet you weren't exactly expecting us to get together," he said. You shook your head.

"I wasn't expecting a lot if things, but what I do know is that I love you, and it defiantly wasn't love at first sight," you smiled.

"No, I had to walk by a few hundred times," he told you laughing.

"I'm sorry if I never fell in love with you right away, I was with the Winchesters, you were our enemy," I told him, smirking.

"That never stopped you though, you liked me even before you left the Winchesters," He said smugly.

"Yeah well what can I say? You were very persuasive," I told him laughing. "Besides, you always smiled when you looked at me, and you have an amazing smile."

"So do you, I learned to love smiling, your reactions to my smile were always pleasing," you let out a laugh.

"Oh? How? My cheeks burned red?" You asked him, he nodded.

"It made you look absolutely adorable, and you know, I don't think many things are adorable, but I have a family now, and everything about my family is adorable," He told you.

"Don't tell Lucy, but you are my favourite thing in the whole wide world," you let out a laugh, Lucy glancing up at us.

She was still learning how to talk, she's able to saw mommy, daddy, love, goodnight, and a bunch of other words along the same lines.

"Another day, what shall we do today?" You asked your husband.

"I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere exotic... Cuba, Hawaii, Florida, I don't care where, we should just go," Said Lucifer smiling.

"Sounds like a lovely idea."

"I love you my (y/n), my own little angel," Lucifer told you.

"I love you too," you told him before placing a passionate kiss on his lips, him responding immediately.


Okay.. it's short


I have this new obsession called Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, from x-men.

Anyways, lots of my time is going to that.

Thanks for reading


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