Dean X Reader

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This was your time to shine, your time to prove to the Winchesters you could do more than simply drive a car and sometimes bake, and maybe do math on your good days. 

Ok, so you are proving it to yourself more than to them. Today you were going to kill a demon. It was going to be awesome. 

And it was 5 am in the morning currently, and you were so excited about this last night and Dean told you all about a hideout and how he wanted you to come with him this time. 

You agreed readily of course, and he seemed quite proud. 

You jumped out of your bed and started to get ready for the day. It didn't take you long at all. You ran to the car to start her up as you left her out in front of the bunker instead of putting her in the garage. Just to be ready for right now. And due to the cold weather, it was best to start her up and warm her up. 

You walked into the kitchen into a wide-awake Dean who was already making breakfast. 

"Oh hey love, you ready for today?" He looked at you, his eyes shining. You nodded, it's been a year with him and yet every time he calls you love, your heart still beats rapidly. Love.

"Yup!" You agreed before going to his side to help him grab plates for the two of you. 

"Need something to drink?" You nodded grabbing your choice of drink (coffee or tea or water or whatever :D xD). Dean nodding while grabbing a mug and some coffee for himself. 

"Today is going to be an easy day, I'll try to stay out of your way, it's a lower level demon so I'm sure you can handle yourself," you smiled at Dean before placing the paltes on the table and helping him serve you guys some eggs and bacon, no toast just protein for today. 

"I hope so, I have been waiting an awfully long time for chance like this to come from you," he shrugged his shoulders.

"I am the one that needs to protect you my love," you rolled your eyes.

"And I want to protect you," you retaliated. 

"Yes, and you do every day, my own personal angel," you smiled at him widely. You weren't an actual angel of course, but he always did say you helped him face the demons that were truly scary. The ones inside him. 

"How about we do this together then, I don't want you to have to be on edge the whole trip ok?" He nodded eagerly at this. Happy to help you in any way that he could. 

"Ok, deal, then you also have to listen to me please?" He asked, his green eyes never looked as genuine as they did now. 

Dean Winchester used to be worried about only Sam. But right now, even though the enemy isn't big, he was worried about you. 

"Of course love."

"Ok, then hurry and eat and let's go kill that son of a bitch." He never changed, he was still the rugged handsome man you first met. 

Now he calls you love.


It's very short, and sorry there hasn't been many updates! No excuse, just lazy.... Thank you for reading! I hoped to make this really cheesy but still spn lol :D

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