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In my mansion's office, I was sitting and working on my laptop. The door opened after a slight knock. I raised my head to see Mark peeking his head inside.

" May I come in Sir ". I nodded in response. He walked near the table and stand in front of me nervously." Sorry to disturb you Sir. But I have a request to ask for ".

I know what he wants. He is definitely wanting to let him meet his family. " Go ahead ".

" Sir I want to meet my family. I really miss them". He said with hope in his doe eyes. I smile internally. 'I was right'

" It's not safe for you out there". I said and he dropped his head in disappointment. " I'll send you with my men for your safety. But you have to come back in two hours. Not a single minute more than that okay?". I added.

A wide smile appeared on his face. "Okay sir. Okay. I'll be back soon. Thank you, sir".

I sent three of my men with him. It's still not safe for him but I can see he was missing his family so much. And I know how it feels like.

After sending him I went outside about to start my bike to pick Anna up but one of my guards came towards me with a small box in his hands. "Sir, your parcel has arrived". He informed and handed me the box. I placed the box in my pocket and made my way towards my destination.

As I reached the office building, My blood started to boil. I saw Anna standing next to the son of that bastard. But as soon as she saw me she came towards me. I was going to drop her back home but she asked me to drop her at the hotel directly.

We reached the hotel. She got off the bike and handed me the helmet back. She turned to walk inside but I grabbed her wrist. She flinched a little because of the sudden touch. She turned around to look at me with her wide-opened blue eyes. I immediately released her hand.

Clearing my throat awkwardly I pulled out the box from my pocket and forwarded my hand towards her. "Ummm.... thi-this one is for you. Make sure to wear it every time". I said with a straight face but I was actually feeling goosebumps all over my body. She hesitated but took it from me.

Thank God this girl didn't start asking questions again. She glanced at me for a second then went inside. I was literally sweating. I drive away from there as soon as possible and stopped in the alley.

'Come on Tan, did you just stuttered in front of her?. It was only a box to hand her and you were literally shaking'

I'm too bad at this couple shits. How am I going to propose to her one day?.

'You are a mafia boss of whole New York city for God's sake Tan'.


I went to my mansion back. I saw my men and Mark was waiting for me. Mark was looking a bit afraid.
'Something is wrong I can feel it'
As I walked near them they all stood up from their places.

" Sir, when we were coming back from Mark's house three cars were following us the whole way. But as soon as we turned towards our mension they stopped and went away". One of my men informed.

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