~~ 70. ~~

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*One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca*

Song of the chapter - That's the way it is by Celine Dion.

Demilade sat with his phone in hand on his bed. He just finished having a conversation with his mother. And for the first time, she did not try to convince him to forgive his father and the other bits of advice that come with it. Which he was so pleased with. Although she told him she was going to see him and he didn't try stopping her or convincing her otherwise either. He let her do what she wants. It was her choice to make and that was her own decision.

After his conversation with his mother, he felt like there was something else he needs to do, and involuntarily, he went to his contact and searched for the name he used in storing Lola's number. He was about to call her when he realized what he was doing. And he suddenly paused.

He had been doing that since Tuesday. He always finds himself trying to call her but he will force himself to stop.

It was easy to be distracted when he gets to work but the moment he steps into his house, it hit him like a cold breeze. The memories. The memories began to flood back, drowning him in everything. Everything in his house reminds him of her. Every place in the house triggers one memory or the other that he had with Lola. And it's like his brain choose to remind him of all of it all of a sudden. Like it was punishing him.

His room happened to be the worst place because everything in it screamed her name. He could literally perceive her scent and almost feel her presence in his room. Just like he remembered the last time she was in his room and everything that happened that night.

He even decided to sleep in one of the guest rooms because he couldn't take it anymore.

He realized how much he missed her. And also, how boring his life is without her. It was like those days before he met her, before the deal, and before their relationship begins. It was just work and back to his boring big house.

He missed her. Very much. This surprised him too because it has only been three days since he last spoke with her. He had gone days without seeing her but not talking to her and not seeing her texts made it very hard to bear.

He missed her text and the video calls they made every night. And he wished she was there by his side.

Although, he was mad at her. He was angry that she tried to push the topic about Lawrence, his father. He felt she should understand him the most. He thought she would understand his pain and what he had to go through. They had an almost similar experience and he needed her to feel what he feels and also understand him more than others. Because that is why he opened up to her. But like everyone else, she didn't. And the fact that she didn't, hurt so much. It felt like she betrayed his trust and expectations.

His anger was still at its peak the day she left and that was why he never called her that day to know if she had gotten home. Although that night, it took a whole lot from him not to call her. He just ended up silencing his phone and going to bed.

The following day was a Monday and he was too busy to call her and she didn't also call him. He decided that she was giving him space and he was grateful for that because he wasn't ready to talk to her then. He saw her missed calls and texts on Tuesday when he was on his way back home that evening but he didn't call back. He did try to call her back when he gets home and when everything seems to be reminding him of her. But he didn't despite deep down, he wants to hear her voice and see her like he does every night before he goes to bed. Instead, he switched his phone off and decided to leave it in his room, then went to sleep in a guest room.

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