Part I - Born of the Water Moon: 12. Boy in Black

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"Young Master have some water," said the old man, passing a teacup to the youth who sat very erect and still on a bench next to the roadside tea stand, one hand on his thigh, elbow bent outward. The hand that held the cup shook as it moved slowly towards lips that were almost bloodless. Sweat was beaded on his forehead and at his temple. It was becoming obvious to the other customers that the boy was injured, and they kept their distance, shifting uneasily.

They couldn't help feeling that the air seemed heavy as if something was coming.

Putting down his own cup, the old man could not help glancing worriedly at his charge. Their companions had been slaughtered and right now there was nowhere they could go. The boy could read all this from the old man's stony expression, but he remained sullenly silent.

It might as well be here, the boy thought to himself, closing his eyes briefly. I can go no further in this condition.

Eventually all the customers left, and the proprietor entreated them to leave as well as the dusk inexorably swallowed the day.

"Laoban...just a little bit longer," pleaded the old man.

Squinting, the boy noted that the sunlight appeared extremely soft as it disappeared into the earth. His lips lifted in bitterness. Is it the last time I will see the sunset?

The proprietor finally gave up, pulling the shutter closed and leaving them to the darkness. As he walked away, he shook his head with pity, but he could not become involved in these things. It was always best to act as if you didn't see it. He sighed, disappearing down the road, muttering to himself, hoping that his wife had a meal waiting.

It was certainly not the first time the tea stand had seen injured travellers. The main road to the capital was a busy place and with the Iron Spear Prince taken up with the unrest at the border, some of the main martial sects had started to jostle for position, smelling a change in the power structure of the capital. Although they claimed to be above such worldly affairs, in truth, those that could read the undercurrents already knew that Tiansheng was about to enter into a turbulent time. To many, it was not surprising that some of the sects were causing a ruckus. It would not be long before more injured people showed up on the road as everyone rushed forward to make their new mark in what would be the new order.

With the Emperor now old, and the Princes in their prime, the battle over the throne would be inevitable...but of course none of this concerned the injured boy. What mattered to him at this moment, was whether or not he should come back as a resentful ghost.

He quietly sipped his water, contemplating his own death.

"How many?" he asked in a hoarse voice, glancing at the road.

"Too many," responded the old man with a grunt.

The boy smiled. Even the water is bitter.

"Madam has not changed in this respect. I had thought, after all these years, that she would consider elder brother's feelings in this matter."

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