Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 93. Waiting

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With uncharacteristic restraint, he had kissed her very chastely and then given orders for her to be settled.

Even though a small part of her had been disappointed, she didn't want to distract him. Defending a country at war was not a simple matter.

A few days later, Cui Xi clenched her jaw, crumpling a letter from Tao that was written on thousand leaf paper. The ends twisted in her fingers, desperately trying to roll back into its original pill shape.

Su Qing took it from her nerveless fingers, immediately incinerating it in a candle flame. She could see that the mistress was anxious as there had been no word from master's spy network about the whereabouts of Ashina Atil's main force.

For Cui Xi, the worst part of the war wasn't the was the waiting. Waiting and being able to do next to nothing.

It's maddening: I receive all the same intelligence that A'Xian is receiving, and yet he's the one who bears the burden of all the decisions regarding what to do about each piece of information.

She had been shocked to learn that the intelligence units had actually been employing bamboo and canvas hang gliders for their scouting. The activity allowed the scouts to cover a huge amount of ground with good aerial views, but it was highly dangerous and half the men who volunteered for this work didn't come back. It made her heartsick and discouraged.

Zhao Ling Xian, on the other hand, didn't have time to be discouraged and worked like a mad man.

The Seventh Prince received reports from the border daily, sometimes twice a day, on the progress of the fighting. Meanwhile messengers continued to report from the four corners of the kingdom and specifically about the movements of the Guangs in the south.

From the constant weariness on Zhao Ling Xian's face, it looked like the Fifth Prince's Southern Imperial Army had their hands full. Since their arrival at camp, she'd been moved to a separate tent so that he could focus on the war effort and they had barely spoken to each other.

"Come out for a walk, your Highness, you'll get sick shut away in your tent," said Su Qing. "Greet the soldiers and keep their morale's hard on them too."

Cui Xi gave her maid a grateful smile.

"We should help prepare the meals too..." Cui Xi added.

Su Qing was right.

The men would be anxious as they waited for the marching orders...and the orders would only mean certain death for many of them. While her husband planned, she also had to contribute, but it would also be a good distraction for her.

Striding out into the wind, she shivered as a bit of snow blew into her face. She pulled her fur collared cloak closer.

Who ever thought that Ashina Atil would chance a war at the start of winter! And what of Xiao Hei? I've had no news...

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