Part III - Beloved of the Seventh Prince: 55. White Lotus

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Xiao Chuan frowned as he hefted his sack a little higher on his shoulder. Although he regretted leaving Tong Tong behind, given the abbot's attitude towards Wu Cui Xi, he could no longer bear to stay at the temple, and had finally decided to return to the mistress.

However, when he arrived in front of the mistress's shop a crowd appeared to be gathering. He wasn't tall enough to see who was causing the fuss, so he opted to climb up onto the base of a pillar on the opposite building to see if he could find out what was going on. Grimacing as he pulled himself up with one hand, he was finally able to see over the gaggle of heads.

In the centre of the crowd, a well-dressed woman in a veil stood with one hand on her hip. Flanked by her maids, she stood in the door of the shop blocking the way for the other customers.

"I want to see that Cosmetics Goddess right now!" she demanded imperiously. "The snow lotus cream that she sold me not only isn't made of snow lotus, but it gave me a horrible rash. My father had to pay for an imperial doctor to fix my skin otherwise I'd be scarred for life! Even now I'm still recovering! I demand compensation or I'll have her taken before the magistrate for selling poison!"

Xiao Chuan gulped. Oooohhh, not good.

Yue Xia stepped out of the shop with a composed look on her face. She did not look at all intimidated by the woman, her maids, or the tasteless carriage that was parked to the side. Maintaining her serenity, she bowed deeply.

"Please, my Lady, I am Yue Xia and this shop's manager. Will the Lady not come in? I am sure that we can settle this issue amicably."

"Amicably?" the woman's voice rose with hateful laughter. "You think I'll deal with a servant like you? You think you can just ruin my face and say that? I want an answer from your owner!"

Yue Xia's brow creased slightly, and then cleared, spotting Xiao Chuan as he waved from the pillar to get her attention. Hopping down, he pushed his way through the crowd until he stood before her. Bowing low, he waited for instructions.

"Very well, I see that there's no help for it. Xiao Chuan, go fetch the mistress," she instructed.

"Is she not already here?" asked Xiao Chuan, puzzled.

Something like a smile flickered over Yue Xia's face.

"You didn't know? Last night was her wedding night. Go to the Seventh Prince's manor. You'll find her there," Yue Xia directed. "Go quickly!"

"Got it!" cried the boy, darting away.


Black clouds were swirling around Cui Xi's head as she walked down the main avenue with Xiao Hei and Su Qing trailing behind her. Practice had gone downhill after a few more shots and eventually she'd given up. Carefully hooking the long recurve bow over her shoulder, she had sighed and left the training ground to head back to her own residence.

They had just moved passed the outer courtyard when Cui Xi frowned at a strange squealing noise. Something slithered down her spine and she immediately turned back, running through the gate. Eyes wide, she realized that the sound was coming from a boy kicking in the air as one of the house guards hauled him up by the collar at the main door. She rushed forward, already pulling the bow from her shoulder, and an arrow from the quiver at her hip.

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