Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: 27. Boundless Grass

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"What the hell are you doing?" Cui Xi yelled as she stomped onto the balcony, glaring down into the street after the third rock was thrown through the open sliding door, shattering a particularly expensive vase she'd received from her Master.

While the Seventh Prince looked composed on his horse, his eyes flashed in irritation as he held the reins in one hand and put the other on his hip. Surrounded by a crowd, composed mostly of ogling women, arrogance and imperial breeding was written all over him and his splendid riding clothes. Murong Bo, looking a little less sparkly, had accompanied him and patiently squinted against the brightness.

"This Prince is visiting as I said I would. Did you forget? It's in the contract..." he said up at her, ignoring the gathering crowd. His face had a bit of colour on his cheeks, and she wondered if he was embarrassed or angry.

"How long are you going make this Prince wait?"

"I'm running a business, Your Highness! Could you not send a messenger to inform me that you would visit today? I'm not your slave!" she said, losing her temper.

"I have a different opinion of that..." he smirked.

"Oh my...bickering like a married couple..." a cheerful matron giggled at the front of the crowd.

"Yes, looks like our Seventh Prince has met someone with the same overbearing temperament..."

"But how could such a handsome Prince like such an ugly scarred woman with such a sharp tongue!"

"Ah well...her wealth is good looking..."

"Shameless! Coveting a Prince...that fox demon..."

Cui Xi flushed as tongues continue to wag. She closed her eyes, took a breath, and tried not to grind her teeth. She hadn't intended to make a scene, but he'd showed up about two incense sticks* ago demanding that she come with him. Of course, she'd pointedly refused.

"Will you not let me wait inside at least?" The Seventh Prince sighed.

"Your Highness, I haven't forgiven you for the last time! Or the time before that! And you just broke my precious vase!" she said, throwing a cake of soap at his face.

He caught it easily and tossed it to Murong Bo who sniffed in delight and then greedily tucked it into his saddle bag.

"Yue Xia! Write down that the Seventh Prince owes me a vase. For the soap, add a double delivery charge as I personally delivered it!" she snapped, turning back into the room where she'd been doing inventory with the two shop girls.

Xiao Mei coughed into her sleeve trying to hide her giggles, and Yue Xia shushed her, but she herself could not help smirking.

Despite the fact that it caused their Mistress irritation, it was no small thing to have an imperial prince call on her and then wait in the street like a beggar. Anyone else who acted with such blatant disrespect to an imperial family member would have already been hauled downstairs and cut to pieces. It was obvious to them that the Seventh Prince deeply favoured their little Mistress and thus it could only lead to good things.

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