Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: 21. One Pervert Prince

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"Where is that Cosmetics Goddess?" the Seventh Prince shouted, bursting into the pleasure house.

In the dead silence, a trembling finger pointed him the way.

Boots thudding, he resolutely stomped up the stairs, glaring at anyone who crossed his path. Startled guests scattered immediately. It seemed that Tiansheng's wild and unfettered God of War had returned home from the western territory in a foul mood.

"Gods! What a thunderous temper he's in!" someone muttered, dodging out of the way.

"Eeeek...he's still wearing his armour!" someone else observed.

Xiao Yu picked up her skirts in pursuit.

"No! Your Highness! Please! My mistress is indisposed and cannot receive visitors!" Xiao Yu cried, running up the stairs after him.

"You dare to block the way of the Seventh Prince?" asked the guard at the Prince's side.

"Please let me inform my Mistress! You cannot simply barge in!" Xiao Yu said desperately.

But the coldly handsome man continued up the stairs until he was standing in front of the door being guarded by a young man carrying a saber stashed through his belt. This was obviously Xiao Hei. The saber was instantly drawn, leading to a murderous glare from the guard, who happened to be Murong Bo. The sword seemed to fly out of his plain scabbard and into his hands.

An altercation seemed imminent.

Trying to save the situation, Xiao Yu threw herself on the ground in front of the Prince, banging her forehead to the ground. If she had not been distressed, perhaps she would have recognized Murong Bo, and prevented this course of events, but she was entirely too focused on the Prince to notice his guard.

"Please, your Highness!!" she cried, her voice faltering miserably. "My Mistress is in the bath...Y-Your Highness cannot barge in like this."

Xiao Hei narrowed his gaze at the stranger across from him and was disturbed to find that he could not read the martial ability of either that person or the guard. He also noted that they both carried swords and the person claiming to be an imperial Prince was wearing light armour under his cloak. Not good! He thought. I'm not their opponent*; the Mistress is in danger!

And yet, he gritted his teeth and continued to block the way, tightly gripping the sabre.

The well-dressed man standing casually across from him only tossed him a look of contempt, but Xiao Hei observed something else whisper across the coldly elegant face as Xiao Yu's words sank in.

The Prince's lips tipped up slightly.

"Oh? In the bath? That's also good...this is a pleasure house, isn't it?"

"B-But my Mistress is a guest! She does not receive customers..." Xiao Yu stuttered, starting to tear up in distress.

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