Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: Chapter 30. Temple

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Ironically, Cui Xi discovered that the Fifth Princess Consort Feng Ming Yen was adorable.

They were standing in front of the main temple and the Princess Consort was chatting her ear off.

"I loved the hair wash!" she gushed. "I already told the Empress Dowager and bought a bunch of your products for her. Did you not receive a large order from the palace purveyor?"

Cui Xi blinked.

"That was some months was your Highness who gave the recommendation? Why would you do that for me?" she asked, taken aback.

"Well, Feng Biao was very impressed with you, and of course Zhao Yu, as one of the Five Young Talents, is an old friend of the family. But it's mostly curiosity that made me want to meet you. The women in the imperial harem are the worst gossips ,and it's said that you've captured the heart of the Seventh Prince, Tiansheng's God of War. Only a special person could conquer the Iron Spear Prince!"

Ah! So that was it: Zhao Yu had once against exerted his influence...or was it that unmentionable third party?

"Oh...the Seventh Prince? We only have a business relationship, Your Highness," she said, slightly embarrassed.

The petite woman smiled sweetly at her, but her eyes were curious.

Cui Xi was about to say something else, but was interrupted by a shriek.

"Goddess Jie Jie is here!!!" squealed one of her urchins, which was quickly followed by a surge of little bodies pressing against her. The Fifth Princess Consort giggled.

"Oooooh so many!"

"Hey, hey!" Cui Xi laughed. "Kids, back off! Properly give your greeting to the Fifth Princess who is this temple's benefactor. You get to eat because of her!"

"Your Highness! We humble children give our greeting and thanks for the many blessings!" they giggled obediently.

"OH! How charming! Did you teach them that?" the Fifth Princess Consort asked. "And you don't have to be so formal, Miss Wu. You can call me Ming Yen...Can I call you Cui Xi?"

"Sure, Your Highness," Cui Xi responded.

The Fifth Princess Consort laughed again and gestured for her servants to hand her a bundle.

"Well children, I've got some new clothes for you. Summer will be over soon, and you'll need warmer clothes for autumn. Everyone gets one set. Cui Xi, you'll help me distribute?"

"Of course, Your Highness!"

At that point, the abbot, whom Cui Xi secretly called 'Master Eyebrow Wings' came by:

"Amitabha!" he said. "Benefactor, we are thankful for your donations. The children will be comforted."

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