Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 94. Three Moves

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Cui Xi looked at the dagger in her hand like it was a snake with two heads. She then glanced dubiously at Murong Yan who had the ghost of a smile on his face.

"Go on," the Seventh Prince nodded, impatiently gesturing at her. "If you're here, you'll have to fight. Might as well hone your skills."

Murong Yan stood with infinite patience, waiting for her with a relaxed stance.

"Just with this, I can't beat him!" she pointed out, tightening her grip on the small dagger.

Despite that she shifted her feet and flipped the dagger, bringing it into her fist with one hand, while the other opened, palm against the rounded ended of the hilt. She automatically moved her body into a defensive position.

At first the Seventh Prince shrugged, but then he relented.

"A'Yan give her the first three moves," Zhao Ling Xian instructed, shifting his weight.

For a moment she was silent, then her face became mischievous.

"Alright!" Cui Xi said brightly. She cocked her head at the prince, smiling wickedly.

The Seventh Prince leaned forward slightly. Crossing his arms over his chest, he watched with an indulgent smile.

Cui Xi obligingly flitted up to Murong Yan, and threw herself at him, hanging her arms around his neck. Confounded, he blushed three different shades of red.

"Your Highness!" he gritted hoarsely as she slid her hands over him and shimmied them down his chest and over his stomach. Then his expression stiffened as she jabbed him with the hilt of the dagger handle right where his femoral artery was located.

"There! You're dead," she grinned up at him. "Does that count as one move?"

Murong Yan's face was red from his collar up to the roots of his hair. He stared into her upturned face, speechless, and frozen in place.

The Seventh Prince roared with laughter, slapping his thigh.

"Ahhh! Xi'er! You shouldn't tease him like that," he gasped.

"But you asked me how I would kill someone!" she cried, annoyed. "I can't beat him. I'm not strong enough or accurate enough to stab him frontally without the blade turning against his ribs. I can only seduce him and stab here...or here and here..." she casually poked Murong Yan in the armpit and then reached around his back to put the hilt of the dagger against his kidneys. She held him lightly around the waist, her body pressed suggestively against his.

Still giggling, she grinned at her husband.

Murong Yan thought his brain was smoking out his ears. Judging by the prince's expression, he wouldn't have very long to live if she kept holding him.

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