Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 100. Palace

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"Is" Xiao Yu stuttered. Her heart thumped in her chest as she gazed at the smoke rising from the direction of the palace.

She'd been wiping blood-stained hands while standing in front of a shop that the city guard had temporarily commandeered as a make-shift hospital when she noticed the smoke coming from the east.

Her father, Yang Ming Xi, came to stand beside her, tugging his beard with a troubled look. He took the soiled rag from her and handed her a damp fresh one.

"The fighting was extremely fierce when the Fifth Prince forced the Crown Prince to retreat...It looks like the Fifth Prince has now breached the outer wall, but he's being careless if he's using fire arrows within the palace," he muttered disapprovingly, eyebrows raised.

"Isn't that more likely to be the Crown Prince? He's been backed into a corner now...will he care if the palace burns?" she frowned.

She tried not to jump at the urgent shouting of men as more and more injured soldiers were dropped off in the street in front of the shop. Zhang Ying, who had temporarily taken command of the city guard, nodded to her briefly as he passed on his way back to the main action. She nodded back absently barely registering his greeting, still frowning at the dark curl in the northeast.

"Don't get distracted," cautioned her father, seeing the look in her eyes.

"I won't, but that doesn't mean I'm not worried," she responded calmly, smiling a little as she turned to face him.

"Worried about Murong Shi? That brat can take care of himself. If he dies on the battlefield today then he wasn't worthy of my A'Yu," snorted the old man.

"Da! Don't say something so unlucky! If I'm widowed before I'm a bride, I'll never forgive you!"

Yang Ming Xi chuckled at her mock outrage, but knowing that she was half-serious, he softened.

How my A'Yu has grown...

"He's strong enough now, so I shouldn't worry, but..." she trailed off, smiling bravely to hide her anxiety.

Hmph! That miserable brat better come back...thought Yang Ming Xi. He doesn't deserve to worry my precious daughter!

"Come on, we still have a lot of work to do. There are more wounded now than there were this morning," he grunted.

"Do you think A'Xi will be alright?" wondered Xiao Yu, switching gears.

"I'm sure the Seventh Prince has already warned her to stay out of trouble. If she stays out of the city, then she'll be fine...but since when has she ever listened to anyone?" chuckled the old man, shaking his head ruefully, trying to conceal the sliver of concern that pricked his heart.

That girl! If Zhao Ling Ye has his way, she'll already be entering the palace...

Water Mirrored Moon - 水鏡月Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora