Part V - Mistress of Hidden Night City: 99. Clash at the Capital

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Despite what he had threatened, Zhao Ling Xian did not bother to kill all of Ma Jun Qi's officers. He'd only said it as he had been truly irked by Ma Jun Qi's conceited attempt at self-sacrifice. If he'd really intended to save his men, then he should not have exposed them to danger by marching them into Tiansheng in the first place. In reality, the man had obeyed Ashina Atil's summons only in order to save his own neck, and then he allowed himself to be used by the Sky Temple Priestess and Tiansheng's Dowager Empress instead of rebelling against an unjust ruler. It was this cowardice that had led Ma Jun Qi to his current end.

Riding wearily back to camp, Zhao Ling Xian sighed. Perhaps he acted too harshly; after all, not everyone had the same freedom or resolve to follow their own will as he did, but the Seventh Prince did not have time or the pity to spare for his enemies. The only person who deserved his kindness was the one anxiously waiting for his return to camp.

And right now, I desperately want to see her...

During the fight in the valley, part of the smaller Xiyu army had broken off to join the main force while the group loyal to Ma Jun Qi had stayed for the outcome of the battle. Having anticipated that move, Zhao Ling Xian had already directed a portion of his men to take care of the soldiers who tried to escape to the east.

What remained of the reduced Xiyu force did not need any urging to leave. Unused to the weather conditions and disheartened by the death of their leader, the remaining officers easily agreed to a truce. Only a few resisted, and once they were dispatched everyone settled.

Murong Yan was already busy making the arrangements to ensure that they didn't turn around and re-enter Tiansheng, while negotiating the conditions under which the body of Ma Jun Qi was to be returned to them at the border. As they were heading in that direction, Bai Zhi Yi would facilitate the rest of their exit from the kingdom through the pass.

When Zhao Ling Xian finally entered into his tent, Cui Xi immediately rushed up to him and wrapped her arms around him. Seeing that blood on his armour was not his, Su Qing quickly excused herself to find water for him to wash.

"Are you alright? Are you wounded?" Cui Xi asked anxiously, her voice muffled against his chest. She gripped him tightly as she desperately listened for the sound of his heartbeat. Hearing it thud steadily against her ear, smelling his familiar scent over the rust of blood, she slowly allowed herself to relax against him not caring that she was staining her clothes.

"No, I'm fine, XiXi," he smiled into her hair. "I'm sorry for making you worry."

Even though her face was expressionless against his breastplate, the sigh she made sounded shaky, and his heart warmed thinking how much she had changed over the last year, allowing him to see the vulnerability that she had tried so hard to hide from him in the beginning.

My beloved little cat is showing me so many more things now.

While Zhao Ling Xian desperately wanted to push her down and embrace her, he only allowed himself to take in the scent of her skin and hair. Still smiling, he very gently pried her fingers off, kissed the tips, and then he kissed the top of her head reassuringly.

"Help me..." he said, indicating his armour. He winced a bit as her tugging aggravated a bruised section of his ribs, but he quickly covered it, hoping she wouldn't notice.

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