Part IV - The Western Emerald: 83. Ashina Yesil of Xiyu

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After being unconscious for a week, Cui Xi had remained confined to her bed for two more weeks. By the time Cui Xi was allowed to leave her room, her body screamed for training. Though her husband had thought it too soon, she had insisted, and she was currently standing in the manor's practice ground panting and sweating.

"It's odd, but the invitation includes your name," A'Xian frowned slightly as he lounged against the railing.

Cui Xi wiped a wrist across her forehead and straightened. She barely heard him as she planted her feet, standing slightly sideways with her wooden sword extended towards Murong Yan.

Zhao Ling Xian flapped the invitation against his lapel in a restless manner and then tucked it into an inner pocket. An Gong Gong had arrived earlier in the day, personally delivering the envelope for the official tribute banquet to be held in the palace in ten days' time. All the tribute territories as well as dignitaries from allied countries would arrive on their bi-annual visit and not only would he be responsible for welcoming them with his other brothers, but he would be participating in trade negotiations while evaluating any shifts in the political and military situation through the lens of each emissary.

This particular year was unusual as the Crown Prince's marriage to the Princess of Xiyu would finally be formalized and the princess was already on her way to the capital escorted by her brother, the Crown Prince of Xiyu, Ashina Atil. The banquet was thus a joint banquet for male and female guests, different from other years where the banquet was normally only held for the mainly male dignitaries.

Although Xiyu had postured for years and slyly incited unrest in the border areas, Zhao Ling Xian hoped that an alliance marriage would delay things until the transfer of succession had completed. His family was now in a precarious position: if his father should suddenly pass away then...

His thoughts continued to churn as he watched Cui Xi spar with his vice general.

As a prince of Tiansheng, there was no question that he would attend the banquet, but it was unusual that Cui Xi, a concubine, had been named specifically to attend. Having said that, the princess consort or side consort of each prince would have been invited and perhaps his father had made a concession for him, but he could not prevent the sense of unease. Still, An Gong Gong had presented it personally and there was nothing in the invitation that looked like it had been tampered with, as such the Seventh Prince could only do as commanded.

The beloved concubine in question continued to ignore him, concentrating solely on her footwork and on flowing with the wooden sword in her hand. She thrust and parried with Murong Yan, almost dancing. He did not spare her, and her arm was already getting numb from the blows as he grimly attacked with his poker face and continued to force her back.

Reaching inside herself, she tried to find her rhythm and breathe.

The sword and I are one. I am the sword...the sword is me. The sword is my intention.

Cui Xi moved briskly but steadily back, looking for an opportunity to get under Murong Yan's guard...While she ducked and dodged sideways, she grimaced, noticing that he intended to back her into a tree. Without any more space to maneuver, he caught her, and the jarring blow glanced off her shoulder.

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