Part II - Cosmetics Goddess: 14. Goddess of Cosmetics

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Leaning against a wall, Cui Xi appeared to be calm, but underneath she was feeling only apprehension. If she could not make this work, then what was left?

"Xiao Hei, go buy me a dozen steamed meat buns," she commanded, tossing him a pouch of coins.

"Yes, Mistress," Xiao Hei grinned, easily catching it with one hand.

"You've thought about it then?" asked Xiao Yu, curious.

"Yes...We have to make a living with something...You'll see," Cui Xi smiled behind her veil. She leaned back against the stone wall and waited.

Xiao Hei was back in no time and handed her two packs of warm buns wrapped in paper.

"Hey kid. Come here," she said as she squatted down to beckon a group of urchins playing at the side of the road. They looked at her with suspicion, but then paused, watching her unwrap the steaming buns, unable to hide the longing in their eyes. One who was braver and taller than the rest, reluctantly stepped over. Xiao Hei and Xiao Yu both folded their arms and stayed at the head of the alley watching with avid attention.

"A'Jie, are you going to give us those buns?" the boy asked with a calculating look.

"I can," she said, cocking her head, her lips lifting slightly.

A few of the younger ones ran over.

"Really? You want us to run an errand, A'Jie? I can do it!" smiled one of the younger ones, reaching for the package. She expertly evaded him and swung the package away from the grasping hands, standing up in one motion.

"A'Mao!" the older boy shouted, putting his arm out, pushing them all back. "You can't trust just anyone! Hey A'Jie, don't try to fool us!"

"Good job!" she said. This one is the smart one. She turned to admonish the others:

"Your Ge* is right. You shouldn't trust just anyone, but I'm offering a fair trade. You do some work for me and I will give you one bun each right now. When you're done with the work, come find me and not only will you get another bun, but you will get money," she said.

They hesitated, but she could see that they were hooked.

She jiggled the warm package enticingly.

The older one thought about it for a moment and the younger ones waited expectantly. He was obviously their leader. Finally, he nodded agreement and the young ones cheered, chattering over top each other all at once.

Xiao Hei smirked.

"Well, A'Jie. You'd better tell us what you want to do," the boy said seriously, folding his skinny arms.

"It's like this..."

Hiding her smile, she squatted back down, waving them closer and carefully explained what she wanted as she handed each one a bun.

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