Striker Pt. 2

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The next day, you received a text from Vick. She had important matters to attend to but she can't just leave the tavern unattended. You knew Vick didn't like some Imp stealing the booze behind her back.

Since you had nothing to do during your business hours, you closed early and headed for Vick's tavern.

After you arrived, you looked around. The tavern was empty. Probably because you came so early.

You sighed, "Well, at least it's not happy hour. Otherwise, I'll be in big trouble when it comes to bartending..."

You remembered the time when Vick tried to teach you how to make booze. But you were bad at making booze, so the customers all ended up barfing and throwing up until they went wasted for the entire day.

You shuddered after recalling that incident.

Well, other than that, you just looked after the tavern until Vick comes back from her important matter. Although, about a half hour later, you were kinda bored. You decided to take out your phone. That was when you realized something as the first thing you did was looking at the picture of the blessing-tipped weapon.

After staring at that photo, you tried to recall your nightmare. And for unknown reasons, Striker was in your nightmare and he was the one who shot you.

You couldn't understand why Striker suddenly appeared in your recent nightmare.

You just met him the other night.

You sighed, putting your phone back to your pocket. 

You decided to do some target shooting as you headed to the back room.

You then shot some targets with a pistol which you took from the weapon storage. After shooting, you then remembered that Striker broke your winning streak at target shooting.

You sighed, realizing that you couldn't get over that fact.

Then you received a text from Vick. She told you that her important matter might take a little longer.

"Seriously... I bet it's something to do with her friend who got dumped by his girlfriend." you remembered Vick's friend who was supposed to do the show the other night.

You sighed once again and texted her back, telling her to take her time and no need to rush. As you texted back to Vick, you suddenly heard someone playing a guitar.

Wait, what?

You then hurried to the bar and found someone on the mini-stage playing his personal guitar. But much to your dismay, you reluctantly recognized him.


(A/N: Tried to find Striker's Song intrumental version, so here's this video for this chapter)

Striker then noticed your presence and sent you a smirk. You quietly growled as you had no choice but to watch him playing his guitar.

You finally turned your back at Striker by the time he struck the last chord. Striker just followed you to the bar counter. You were so irritated as you turned around to face him with a glare.

"Don't you have anything to do other than harassing me?!" you exclaimed.

"Please, (Y/n). I wouldn't harass a pretty lady like you." he replied.

You scoffed as you went behind the bar counter. You took out a bottle of water from the fridge and one of the glass.

"So what brings you here all by yourself?" Striker sat down on one of the empty stools.

You glanced at Striker and coldly replied, "None of your fucking business..."

You took a sip from your glass.

"I assume your amiga left you in charge to look after."

You only ignored as you continued to drink your water.

"Y'know havin' little silent treatment won't get you anywhere."

You angrily crushed your now destroyed in your hand

"You know what I want. All I want is for you to leave me the fuck alone..."

Striker observed the look on your face. He knew that you were getting annoyed by his presence and he couldn't blame you. He knew that you hated him so much.

"If that's what you want, then how about a little deal?" Striker stood up from his seat and moved to the table.

You then followed Striker as you sat down the opposite of him. Striker placed his arm on the table as if he challenged you to an arm wrestle.

"If you win, I leave you alone."

You were suspicious at first but you decided to accept the challenge since you wanted him never to bother you ever again. You placed your arm on the table.

"Don't you wanna know what I get if I win?"

"Not gonna happen." you were so serious as you wanted to win so badly.

Without further ado, you and Striker began the arm wrestle.

"I heard ya own a weapons shop around here," Striker made a conversation with you during the arm wrestle.

Something told you that Vick may have informed Striker about you and your business on creating and selling weapons.

"That explains why you're good with holdin' a gun."

"Why don't you just cut the chit chat if you don't want to lose to a girl?" you suggested as you continued to wrestle his arm.

The arm wrestle still continued until you took the upper hand as you slowly pushed his arm down. But despite that, you noticed Striker's cocky smirk.

You decided to take it up the notch. Your left eye began to take shape into the pentagram. You grinned, attempting to intimidate the cowboy hat wearing imp.

Striker looked at your left eye and chuckled while watching his arm about to go down.

You knew that you're going to victorious once you beat him in an arm wrestling match and soon you won't see him and his cocky smirk ever again.

But Striker, on the other hand, had other plans for you.

"If I win... you bring me back my blessing-tipped rifle you stole."

To your shock, you let your guard down and your arm was quickly pushed down to the table, thus Striker won.

You were lost for words. Not only that, you found out that you actually stole the rifle from Striker. You then looked at Striker as fear had taken over you.

"You wanna know how did I find out?" Striker said, knowing what you were about to say.

You began to realize about Striker. "Were you watching me this whole fucking time?"

Striker just smirked.

You were in hot water, now that you found Striker as the owner of the blessing-tipped rifle. Striker stood up and looked down on you.

"Here's the plan. Since you have kept my rifle at your shop, you bring it to me at midnight tonight. You know where to find me."

Striker was about to leave as he walked past you, but he stopped.

He wrapped his tail around your neck. You felt a tight grip as if he was trying to strangle you to death. He picked you up from your seat while you began struggling. Amused at your useless struggle, he unceremoniously dropped you to the floor. You coughed for air after Striker had released you from his tight iron grip.

"Don't try anythin' other than what I told you..." you watched him giving you a sneer. "Wouldn't want you suffer somethin' far worse than death."

With that ominous warning, Striker finally walked away and left you all by yourself.

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