Wild Ride

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You tried to peek on a certain someone who is at his workbench, crafting someting. He then looked back to see you peeking from the wall. Startled, you quickly hid behind.

"Come out, (Y/n). I know you're still wondering what I'm doing."

You then came out from your hiding spot and walked towards him.

"What are you making?" you asked.

"Why don't see you it for yourself?"

You then approached his workbench to find a revolver with unique designs.

"You made this?"

"Yup, it's special." he answered.

"Can I hold it?" you asked.

"Well, of course you can." You became delighted but your smile turned upside-down when he said, "Only if you're old enough to hold it."

"Aw, c'mon, Dad. That's not fair. I'm already sixteen." you mentioned.

"Sorry, my little fallen angel. But rules are rules, you can't hold the gun unless you're twenty-one years old or older." your dad explained.

You pouted.

"How come they can get to hold those weapons?" you asked.

"Well, that's because your brothers are older than you." he answered.

You stared at the designs of the gun.

"Hey, Dad?"

"Yes, (Y/n)?"

"How come this gun is special?" you asked.

Your father stared down at the gun and held it in his hand.

"It is special, all right. But it is also very powerful."

"How come?" you tilted your head.

"Because this very gun is tipped with a power of blessing. It can actually kill demons that are royalty. For example, the Ars Goetia."

"Why would anyone wanna kill demon royalty?" you asked once more.

"Who knows. Perhaps someone who wants to become powerful and superior. But if only he can kill the unkillable being." your father stated.

You stared at your father before you looked back at that blessing-tipped revolver.

You slowly opened your eyes, staring at the ceilling. As you came to, you slowly sat up and looked around. You then realized that you're still in the motel room.

"Huh? When did I end up sleeping here?"

You tried to recall what happened last night. You were bringing Striker's sniple rifle here and you found out his reason why he wanted to kill Overlords. Last but not least, he showed you the blessing-rifle revolver.

You noticed that gun might be the reason why you passed out last night.

Checking the surroundings, Striker was nowhere to be seen. Your black jacket was on the chair. You then noticed there was that same gun on the table nearby.

You got off from the bed and walked towards the table. You picked up the gun and scrutinized its white shining designs. That was when you noticed something familiar. Those designs reminded you of the one your father designed. But that happened only five years ago when you checked on your father's work. You were told that those weapons that were crafted with blessing could kill demon royalty.

StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now