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A/N: Lera is based on a fallen angel named Lerajie (a male in orignal version) who is an archer. Hope you like this chapter.


After you angrily stormed off over the revelation that you'll be working with Striker, he began to wonder what were you doing now.

"I see. So (Y/n) wants to be alone." Striker eavaesdropped on Valor speaking with his sister Vick.

"Yeah, I don't know how long she needs to cool her head out." Vick still became worried about you after your sudden reaction back at the dinner.

Striker didn't expect your father making a sudden decision of putting you with him as his partner. Of course, he bet that you were still pissed. Who knows if you and Striker will get along. After all, he did take away your best shooting range record.

He went outside to check on his steed at the manor courtyard. That was then he noticed a dark demon horse with blue flames and became astonished. Not only he encountered a dark horse with blue flames, it had wings. Right now, Bombproof seemed to make contact with the blue-flamed pegasus.

"Oh, for Satan's sake! We didn't come here to have Nyx to be courted by a Hell demon stallion..."

Striker heard someone with a deep coarse Brooklyn accent, as he turned to find a portly Imp with a white short ponytail wearing a dark round bowler hat hiding behind the tree.

"I don't know if Ms. Lera will not like to see this."

"Who won't like to see what? asked Striker, starling the portly imp.

"MOTHERFUCKER!!" startled the portly imp, who turned at Striker. "Oy, what are ya tryin' to do? Give me a heart attack?!"

He began to notice something as he stared at Striker. "Wait, I don't remember seein' you around these parts."

Striker then looked at the blue flamed winged horse before he turned at the portly imp.

"How long ya been watchin' them?" he asked.

"About five minutes...? Look, I just got back from taking a damn piss... and I found that hell stallion trying to flirt with Nyx. I really wanted to shoo him away, but..."

He turned to look at Bombproof and gave a sweatdrop.

"He's kinda intimidating..."

Strike couldn't believe what that portly imp said about Bombproof as he gave a whistle. Bombproof heard Striker and ran towards him.

"Huh?!" the portly imp couldn't believe his eyes to find out that Striker was actually the owner of that Hellfire stallion.

He froze in shock as he regained his senses before he angrily shouted at Striker, "What the--?! Why didn't you tell me that's your fucking horse?!"

Then Bombproof glared at the portly Imp and gave him an intimidating snort.

"Eeek!" he ended up kneeling on his knees with his hands clasped as if he was begging. "M-Mercy!"

"My, begging before a mere Hellfire steed, are we, Zeno?"

Striker heard and turned to find a slender woman with a short (h/c) bobcut style wearing a dark trenchcoat, black pants, and black medium-heel shoes. She was wearing dark sunglasses over her eyes.

The portly Imp named Zeno yelped in surprise and stood up.

"Ms. Lera! I-It's not what it looks like..." he gave a sheepish chuckle.

Lera hummed, unamused of Zeno's excuse, before turning her sight on Striker.

"Well, you must be his guest of honor," she said, crossing her arms. "To think that Divinos has the guts to invite a hybrid of an Imp to a cordial dinner..."

As she examined at Striker's form, Striker did not react over her woman intuition of his being.

"You know Divinos?" he asked.

She gave a moment of pause before she ambiguously replied, "More or less..."

Lera then walked towards the winged dark horse and patted on the head.

"Never seen a dark pegasus here in Hell, huh?" she said.

Striker didn't respond to Lera's statement as he silently wondered about the winged dark mare.

"Let's just say I tamed Nyx when I was in the Underworld." Lera explained.

"You went to the Underworld?"

"You could say I'm a traveler of sorts. But I prefer to keep my ways a secret unless someone wants to know how to get into the Underworld one way or another." Lera gave a mysterious smile.

She then looked Striker's steed and asked, "Does your steed have a name?"

"Name's Bombproof." Striker answered.

Lera hummed before she replied, "What an interesting name."

"What brings ya here at the manor?" he asked.

"I only came here to see..." Lera paused as she didn't finish her sentence. "I'm afraid I can't tell you my reason for coming here. Unless... if you can beat me on a shooting game."

"You a shooter?

"You can say that," She once more answered ambigously. "Besides, why tell you when I can show you if I'm good at shooting?"

"Here are the rules. Whoever shoots the most targets wins." Lera explained the rules to Striker. "Zeno."

"On it." Zeno went to fetch Lera's weapon case and delivered to her.

She opened her case, revealing her sniper rifle. She took out and admired it.

"I hope you brought your weapon of choice for this match."

Striker took out his pistol with white designs. Lera looked at his gun before looking at him.

"I hate to bring it up but... No blessing-tipped weapons allowed."

Striker stared at Lera. But without a moment's rest, he put his blessing-tipped gun away.

"Zeno, be a dear Imp, and fetch me the case."

Zeno quickly nodded and replied, "Right away, ma'am!"

In a quick flash, Zeno had the case and opened it, revealing type of ranged weapons.

"Take your pick. Either one or two pistols." he said.

Striker looked at her before he ended up choosing two pistols from the weapon case. He twirled both of them in his both hands.

"Perfect." she gave a faint smirk. "Zeno, if you would..."

Zeno cleared his throat, "Alright, you know da rules. Whoever shoots 666 targets in an half an hour wins. Before we start, friendly reminder. No shooting your guns at someone's face or any other lumps. Etc, etc."

As Zeno explained the rules, Lera and Striker prepared their guns.

Lera then turned to Striker with a mysterious smile. "May the best shooter wins."

"Get ready..."

As Zeno began to count down, Lera and Striker had their weapons reloaded and ready.

"Get set..."

Striker took a quick glance at Lera, sending her signature yet mysterious smile.


Without further ado, the game had begun.

StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt