Cup of Tea

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~Before (Y/n) got out from the Book titled Truth Seekers~

"Time's up!" shouted Zeno.

The contest between Striker and Lera on a gun shooting range was over. Their signature weapons were overheated after shooting bullets.

"Let's see..." Zeno tried to keep track on counting the targets being shot down by either Striker or Lera. And then, he received the results with the dismayed look.

"Striker: 666 targets and Ms. Lera: 666 targets....It's a draw," He sighed. "No one wins..."

"It doesn't matter as long as you get to know your opponent's weapon proficiency." Lera commented as she blew the smoke off  her sniper rifle.

Lera then noticed Valor and Vick approaching. Gusion also joined the two Imps siblings as well.

"Ah, Valor and Vick. Good to see you two." she greeted, "Gus, it's been a while."

"Lera, how is your over-realm trip?" he asked.

"Shouldn't you know about that from your ability, Gus?" Lera smiled.

"Well, I never. Especially, I would never dare to try to read and look into personal life of someone despite writing it." Gus replied. "Unless I'm bored, I might decide look back my memoirs for a little encore reading."

"Of course, Gus. That's understandable." Lera chuckled.

"Ma'am, if you give me permission to ask..."

"No need for me to do so with my permission, Valor. I just need Divinos to do me a little favor." Lera then turned to Vick. "Vicktoria darling, if you would..."

Vick nodded, "I'm on it. Follow me."

Then Striker watched Lera going with Vick and noticed Vick whispered to Lera about something. He then looked back at the manor.

In the hallway, the Imp maid was cleaning with a feather duster on the priceless vase.

"Excuse me."

"Yes, may I help..." the maid became taken aback by Striker's presence. "Oh my..."

"I need directions to your boss's daughter's room. Do you know where it is?" Striker ignored the maid's infatuation of his dashing appearances.

"Oh yes. If you please follow me..."

Striker followed the maid to your room in the east wing. Once he's there, the maid quickly left in a fluster. Striker then opened the door without even a bother to make a knock. Once inside, he noticed you weren't in the room.

Striker examined the entire room, seemingly large enough. Wondering of your whereabouts, he then noticed the glowing book on your bed.

"Hmm?" he then walked towards the bed and picked up the book in his hands. "Not the type of readin' books, but they ain't supposed to glow."

The cowoby imp opened the book, but witnessed an unexpected scenario.

When the book was open, it was glowing white and randomly flipped the pages. Not only that, it was floating in mid-air.

Striker backed away as he shielded his eyes away the book's glowing light. Then, he noticed a black silhouette emerging from the book. But before he could react, he was tackled and ended up falling to the floor backwards.

Once Striker did, the book suddenly closed its cover and landed on the bed.

"What in fuckin' tarnation was...?"

Just when he was about to finish his sentence, Striker began to realize that he wasn't tackled by something but someone. That was how, for a strange unexpected reason, Striker unawarely freed you from the book that trapped you in a story telling dimension.


After you were freed from the book that showed you events of the I.M.P gang confronting humans whose organization that investigate paranormal activities such as demons, you ended up in an unexpecting compromised position. You didn't expect Striker, of all Imps, freed you from the book by simply opening it.

Then you quickly realized something with a gasp, "The book!"

You hastily bolted upright and checked on the book that was on the bed. You picked it up but you winced in pain and dropped it. You watched the book entitled "Truth Seekers" beginning to burn in flames though it didn't burn your bed sheets.

"Care to tell me what the fuck was that?" you heard Striker asking.

You sighed and replied, "A long fucking story..." To your dismay, you relutantly made a pun due to the book you were trapped inside.

"Ah, (Y/n). Welcome back."

You and Striker turned to find Gus at the door to your bedroom.

"I believe you enjoyed witnessing the story of a certain event?" They smiled.

You frowned and replied, "You have no idea..."

You then looked down at the ashes before it was blown away and faded in thin air.

"Too bad that book won't be part of your archives, Gus." you commented.

"Oh don't you worry about that. The book you just read was just a copy except the part where it took you to a story-like dimension," they explained, "The original one is already in my archives. By the way..."

Gus then moved their eyes on Striker. "Don't you have something to say to your guest?"

You groaned and turned around to the tall cowboy imp.

You then said without any choice, "Thanks for getting me the fuck outta that book..."

"Still don't know what's goin' on, but you're welcome." Striker replied.

"Oh, (Y/n)." called Gusion, "There's something I would like to inform you as well."

You titled your head.

They gestured you to come as you did what they told you. Striker noticed Gusion whispered to you inaudibly. But he noticed the reaction you just made; the look on your face was surprised.

"Wait, she's here?"

"Yes, she's waiting for you at the courtyard. She wanted to have a nice cup of tea with you." they explained.

You then quickly headed to the courtyard where you found the table containing with a set of two tea cups and a a silver serving tower containing little cakes and mini-sandwiches.

You noticed the woman sitting on the opposite side.

"More tea, Ms. Lera?" asked the small little butler imp, who was carrying a teapot with both hands despite how heavy it was.

"Please do." Lera answered, prompting the imp pouring her tea.

Lera then noticed you standing there and smiled at you. You stared at Lera while still having an astonished look on your face.

And then... you said something while meeting her...


StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now