A Reluctant Host

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You arrived at the back door of your weapons shop. You landed on your feet and your wings disappeared. You waited for Striker to catch up with you until you see his trusty demon Hellfire steed leaping over the metal fence.

After arriving, Striker got off from Bombproof. You stared at his face covered with bruises from his fight with Blitzo.

"C'mon..." you said as you headed towards the back door of your weapons shop. You took out your keys and unlocked it.

You looked back to see Striker telling his demon stallion to behave and stay outside. He then followed you. You guided to the second floor which was your apartment. You led Striker to the living room and made him sit on the sofa.

"Wait here."

You then headed to the bathroom. You opened the mirror cabinet and took out a small first aid. You closed the cabinet before you ended in staring at yourself. You paused for second as you realized what you are doing now.

You frowned at your reflection. You were about to tend the bruises of that cocky Imp. You sighed in dismay as you brought the first aid to Striker.

You instructed him to take off his hat and jacket. Striker silently complied as he took off his worn out hat and jacket. You sat besides him. You quietly got to work on cleaning up and disinfecting his minor injuries. You then finished with placing two small bandages on the bridge of his nose and forehead.

You put away the first aid kit before you untied your hair down since you had kept it in a ponytail for the entire day at the festival. You gave a sigh and stretched your arms.

Then you heard him, "You didn't tell me you're a fallen angel."

You looked back at Striker and bluntly replied, "You never asked, you were too busy attempting to assassinate a Goetia back at the festival."

Striker stared at you after you mentioned his job to assassinate the Demon Prince of the Ars Goetia.

As if you read his mind, you said to Striker, "You wouldn't be surprised if I told you I actually saw the whole thing, especially seeing you getting your ass kicked by Blitz."

Striker went silent after you told him that you found out his true motive. Not to mention, working as a farmhand at the Rough n' Tumbleweed Ranch was just his cover.

"I assume you'll let the missus know that you failed to kill her shameless disgrace of a husband first thing tomorrow. I'll bet she'll be super pissed."

You had a feeling that Striker's client had to be Prince Stolas's wife because of his affair with an Imp.

"You really sure like to pry into someone else's business." he commented as he leaned against the sofa.

You frowned at Striker before you reluctantly fetched a light blanket. You unceremoniously threw it at him, he caught the blanket in one hand.

"Just because I'm letting you stay here for the night doesn't mean I don't fucking hate you."

Striker then watched you storm off to your bedroom, followed by the sound of you slamming the door shut.

"Huh. Does she still hate me so much?" he wondered.

Just when he asked about your detestable feelings for him, he heard you screaming into a pillow from your room. With that, he took your pillow scream as a yes.

At your bedroom, you had your face down against the pillow.

Then you muffled, "Ugh. Why did I tell him that he can stay for a night?!"

You moved your face away from the pillow so you can stare at the ceiling.

You groaned as you decided trying to clear off your mind over the fact that you helped him by giving him a safe place for the night. You headed to the bathroom and took a hot shower for a half in hour.

Later, after the shower, you dried your wet (h/c) (h/l) with a dark bathing towel for a couple of minutes.

You put on your sleepwear that included your dark tank top with a white pentagram design and matching boy shorts. Exiting your bathroom, you sat on your bed and gave a sigh of relief. You felt so relaxed.

You then checked your phone to find messages from Vick.

You received some questions relating to the Harvest Moon Festival.

Vick was asking you if you had a good time at the festival. You then sent your replies to Vick that you had a good time and you participated the Pain games though you didn't win. Then you began to realize before you turned at your closed door.

You frowned in dismay as you realized that you let him stay at your place for the night after his failed assassination on Prince Stolas.

Even though you still hated that self-centered arrogant Imp, you couldn't help but wonder what he was doing now.

Having no choice but to check on him, you slowly stood up from your bed and went towards the door. You opened the door quietly and headed to the living room with slow steps.

You found Striker fast asleep on the sofa. You slowly approached the sleeping Imp and sat down on the floor. He had the blanket over the lower part of his body and his vest was unbuttoned.

You frowned while watching him fast asleep.

"Even though he's asleep, he's still a fucking arrogant dick." You whispered to yourself, staring at his sleeping visage.

You ended up feeling mesmerized by Striker's sleeping form. All of the sudden, you unconsciously moved your hand towards his face. 

"Still, he's kinda..."

But you quickly suddenly realized what are you doing just now. In a hurry, you moved your hand away from his face. You held your breath, making sure he didn't wake up to find you here.

Relieved to see Striker still sleeping, you hurried back to your room.

You shut the door behind you and ended up sitting on the floor, leaning against it. You were so flustered after what just happened.

What was wrong with you? You couldn't believe it. But you were almost touching Striker's face while he's sleeping! You touched your face only to find out that you were blushing.

You covered your face, completely flustered. You then got on the bed and pulled your blanket over your body.

"Why did I fucking do that?!"

Looks like you won't be able to sleep in peace.

StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingWhere stories live. Discover now