Late Night Phone Call Pt. 2

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Later, back at the certain apartment that contained a weapon shop...

You were currently sleeping in your bedroom. But the sound of your phone ringing suddenly woke you up.

You mumbled as you slowly sat up. You fixed your bedhead before you took your phone. You raised your brow, confused, as you stared at the unknown number.

"Who the fuck is calling me at 4 in the morning?" you muttered.

You answered, "If you're here to buy a gun or make a weapon commission, One Shot, One Kill is still closed. You might have to call back..."

That was when this unknown caller suddenly interrupted you as he said, "Angelface?"

You went shocked, speechless upon finding out who was calling you. You couldn't believe yourself as you found yourself receiving a late night call from a certain Imp with a gold tooth.

Then you talked in your own thought incredulously, "Great. Getting a late night phone call from that high and mighty asshole is the last thing I've never wanted. And also... How the fuck did he get my number?!"

You knew that you don't have any choice but to talk to him.

You reluctantly asked, "What do you want?"

"Straight to the point, I see."

"I hope you got a reason why you called me this late." you replied.

"Are you free tomorrow?" he asked.

"Actually, I have to wake up to open my shop first thing in the morning..."

Striker asked you another question, "Then are you free tomorrow night?"

You became a little skepticial at first. Usually, after you finished your weapon business, you go to Vick's tavern to have a drink and chat with her. But hearing from Striker, you had a feeling that it had to be important.

"Yeah, I'm free tomorrow night...." Of course, you were unsure at first after receiving a late night call from Striker.

"Think you can come to my place? It's important."

You gave a pause for a minute. What does he want with you, you wondered. Is it really that important?

Then you answered, "Yeah, I'll be there."

"Good. And don't keep me waitin', Angelface," he replied before he ended the call.

You dropped your phone on your bed as you couldn't believe what just happened. He called you in the middle of the late night and he wanted to talk with you for something important.

You flopped yourself on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

The next day, during your lunch break, you went to Vick's tavern. You told her about your late night phone call with Striker.

"Que?! You received a call from Senor Striker?!" exclaimed Vick, who was holding you by the shoulders, incredulously.

"So I'm assuming you didn't give him my phone number?" you replied, after seeing Vick's surprised look on her face.

"Of course I didn't give him your phone number. I only told him that you own One Shot, One Kill the other day."

You frowned in dismay as you tried to figure out how he got your number. Obviously, he didn't get your phone number from your business card which you didn't actually have one. Just because you didn't bother making one, of course.

"You told him that you'll come, right?" asked your Imp bartending friend.

"Well, what else should I do? Refuse to go to his place? He's not a type to accept "no" for an answer." You knew that you have to come and meet Striker at the motel and you don't have a choice.

Vick placed her hand on yours as she gave you a worried look. "All right, but you better be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Thanks, Vick. I'll be okay." you reassured her.

Later night finally came. You arrived at the Hideaway Motel. You noticed one specific room from the second floor had the lights on. You knew that Striker is waiting for you. You flew to the second floor. You landed on the ground and dispelled your dark raven black wings. There you were, standing in front of that door.

You gave a deep breath and exhaled.

Just when you were about to give a knock, the door yanked opened, revealing Striker before you. He chuckled right before he gave a smirk, delighted to see you here.

"Glad that you came, Angelface."

You then walked inside the room as Striker closed the door.

StrikerxFallen Angel!Reader: A Cursed BlessingМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя