A Book Called Truth Seekers

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Everyone around you, except your father, went speechless as they watched you angrily kicked the dining table containing the food which they were now wasted on the ground.

"Hey, I wasn't finished eating that..." Ander said, before he noticed the glare you got.

Your left eye had already turned into a pentagram star as you gave a glare.

Ander sweatdropped and said with a sheppish laugh, "Never mind, I'm not hungry right now..."

You abruptly stood up from your seat and stormed off. Vick began to follow after you as she became worried about you.

You were in the hallway, still infuriated over the fact that you were now helping Striker.

"Oi, chica! Espera!" shouted Vick.

You didn't hear Vick as you continued walking. Vick groaned as she quickly speed walked towards you and stopped you.

"(Y/n), I understand you're not happy over that the fact you'll be helping Senor Striker with his hitman job but it's not like you have no choice." she said.

"Vick, there's no fucking way in Hell I'm gonna help that snaky high and mighty Imp on assassinating Prince Stolas...  Not only that, I have to create that God damn holy sniper gun for him!!" you crossed your arms as you huffed.

"Chica..." Vick placed her hand on your shoulders but you just shrugged it off.

"I need to be alone..." You then headed to your bedroom with Vick watching you with worry.

As you were at your bedroom, you changed your dress to your usual wear. You flopped against your bed, staring at the ceiling.

"What was Dad thinking? Did he really expect me to work with that cowboy asshole...?"

You then turned to your left side only to notice a book on your nightstand.

"Huh? What's this? A book?" you picked up the hardcover object and noticed there's a title etched on the cover. You read, "Truth Seekers...?"

You raised your brow.

"What kind of title is this?" you examined the book.

You gave a pause.

"Well... I guess I have nothing else to do..." you then began to open the book.

Just when you opened the book, you suddenly went surprised as you noticed a bright light coming out from the book.


And then, as the bright light began to disappear, you were nowhere to be seen except the book was lying on the bed with the cover closed.

You opened your eyes and suddenly found yourself not in the bedroom anymore.

"Where the fuck am I?!" you exclaimed as you found yourself in a strange dimension.

And you looked around, seeing there's no one else besides you.

"Okay, it's either I'm dreaming or this is a bad trip." you decided to try to wake up by pinching your cheeks.

"Ow! Okay, I'm not dreaming... or I'm not in a bad trip unless I accidentally took some angel dust or DMT."

You became worried as you looked around.

"If only someone can tell me where the fuck am I?!" you shouted.

"You asked?"

You went startled as you turned around to find a small red goat demon.

"Hi, you must be (Y/n)." greeted the goat demon with dark wings.

"Who are you and how did you know my name?" you asked, suspiciously.

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