3 - i thought i saw you at the bus stop

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On the bus, I sat down four seats from the back next to Ashley. Since we were twelve girls altogether — plus Susan and Mike — we owned a small bus that could take everyone. It sort of looked like a school bus except it was white and the seats were more comfortable. Mike worked for Susan and helped out at the group home, and he was usually the one driving us around.

I had almost fallen asleep against Ashley's shoulder — listening to my calm Taylor Swift playlist — when my phone started playing ...Ready For It, making me bolt right up and almost knock the phone to the floor. I answered the call as quickly as I could without checking the caller ID, just to get the extremely loud music to stop.

"Wha- hello?" I asked, sounding disoriented and felt myself getting embarrassed. What if it was my social worker or someone else important? Luckily, the voice that shouted my name was Connor's.

"Skye! Have you checked Insta lately?!" he shouted into the phone making me sit up straight.

"What? No... Why're you yellin' at me?"

"Oh you're gonna love me so much after this, and regret every mean thing you've ever said to me," he replied and I could practically hear him smirking through the phone.

"What are you talkin' about?" I asked, really confused.

"Just check Instagram! Now!"

I sighed but did what I was told, first going to my personal Instagram that was mostly used as a fan account with a few exceptions of pictures of my friends. When I couldn't find anything too exciting there, I switched to the account we shared. I was really confused when I noticed that we had gained kind of a lot more followers, likes and comments, and let me tell you how shook I was when I saw the name of one of those people. My jaw practically dropped to the floor, my eyes were so wide it probably looked like I didn't have any eyelids, and I felt silent tears streaming down my face before I could fully register what was going on.

"What - the actual - fuck?" I said loudly, bringing my phone up to my ear. "Connor, s'this a fucking joke? Because it's not funny, dude," I said, but I didn't know how much of it he could hear because I was full on sobbing into the phone at this point.

"No, Skye. It's not a joke, I promise."

I knew immediately by the way he had said it that he was telling the truth. Taylor Alison Swift had liked seven of our posts! Seven!

"Skye, are you okay?" Ashley asked next to me, and I realized that the three of them were looking at me.

"Uhm, no," I replied in a small voice. "Oh my god. Oh-my-god-oh-my-god-oh-my-god."

"What's goin' on?" asked Jade from the seat in front of Ashley where she was sitting next to Harper.

"I-I think... I mean, just-" I gave her the phone and covered my face with my hands as I continued to cry. Ashley pulled me into a side hug and rubbed my arm. She had always been a really good friend when I needed her the most even if I didn't tell her what was going on, which I really appreciated.

"What the hell..." Jade muttered and passed my phone to Harper who then passed it to Ashley.

"Wow, is this for real?" Ashley asked, a wide grin spreading across her face. I nodded slowly against her shoulder and sniffled, and she squeezed my upper arm. "Oh, I'm so happy for you Skye! Congrats!"

"Th-thanks," I said, still silently crying.

Then I remembered that I still had Connor on the phone and took it from Ashley, holding it up to my ear.

in my wildest dreams - a taylor swift fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now