24 - so many things that i wish you knew, so many walls up

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Taylor called me a bunch of times when I was on the subway but I declined her calls until I'd had enough and just put it on Do Not Disturb. I had to admit that I felt a little bad about ignoring her, but I just didn't want to deal with her at the moment.

I recognized the area around Zade's apartment as Greenwich Village where Electric Lady Studios was located too. He buzzed me up and opened the door when I rang the doorbell.

"Hi, come on in," he said over the lounge music playing in the background. I noticed that he'd put on a vintage Mickey Mouse sweatshirt on top of the gray t-shirt he'd worn earlier. "We were just gonna eat."

I automatically took a step back over the threshold. "Oh, sorry. I can leave-"

He grinned at me. "No, I mean, have you eaten yet?"

"Uhm, no."

A young girl with two blond french braids appeared behind him and she smiled up at me brightly, revealing a gap where her front teeth should've been.

"Hi!" she beamed, radiating happiness and rubbing it off on me.

"This is my sister Gianna," Zade said, putting a hand on his sister's shoulder.

"Hi Gianna! Are you one of the twins or the youngest of your siblings?" I wondered. Just then, a boy who looked a lot like Gianna walked in too and I got my answer.

"Who are you?" the blond boy asked, walking over to stand next to his sister.

"Ethan," Zade groaned, shaking his head. "Guys, this is my friend, Skye. And this is Gianna's twin Ethan."

"Nice to meet y'all," I said kindly, smiling at them.

"You're not from here," Ethan was quick to point out and I laughed at his bluntness.

"No I'm not."

"Are you Zade's girlfriend?" Gianna asked adorably and I saw Zade's pale face flush a light pink.

"No," I giggled, shaking my head.

"Alright, come on in. Do you like hamburgers?" He started walking away and I followed him after gently shutting the door behind me, as the twins ran off to where we were heading.


I got to meet his other two sisters too, Lyra and Ella, as well as his mom and stepdad. They were all so nice and welcoming and they immediately treated me as if I was part of their family. I'd only felt like that a few times before, when I had dinner with Connor's family, and with Taylor and Joe, but this was different from both of those occasions.

We were so many people around the table with everyone talking at the same time, and it was nice to not have everyone's attention directed toward one specific person at a time. It reminded me a lot of the group home and it kind of made me miss it. Even though I used to complain about it being annoying to live with so many people, I had to admit that I liked the feeling of being surrounded by a bunch of people but feeling safe enough not to have to interact with everyone.

After dinner, Zade, his siblings and I went to sit down in their living room to watch a movie. The younger kids decided that we were watching The Incredibles and I hadn't seen that movie in a while so I didn't mind it at all. In the middle of the movie, Gianna and Ella started fighting over who got to be the older sister and it ended with Lyra having to step in and say that it was only fair that she got to be the older sister since she was the oldest.

After the movie ended, the younger kids had to go to bed and Zade, Lyra and I put on Jurassic Park, but I ended up falling asleep before we were halfway through it.

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