51 - my hometown

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I could hear Taylor in the kitchen as I lay on my back with my arm hanging off the side of the couch in the living room. My bags were already packed, and I had about an hour to kill before Josh was coming to pick me up.

"Mom!" I called out, just because she was the only person around and because I didn't have anything better to do. "Mom?" I sat up and looked over the back of the couch.

"What is it?" Taylor called back, rounding the corner of the stone column to see me.

"Have you heard this song before?" I asked, holding up my phone with the volume turned to the highest setting, and pressed play on Harry Styles' Two Ghosts.

At first, she didn't seem to know the song and she bobbed her head to the intro.

Same lips red, same eyes blue. Same white shirt, couple more tattoos. But it's not you and it's not me.

She stopped for a second when Harry started singing and narrowed her eyes in thought, before she realized what she was listening to and rolled her eyes at me.

"It's good, right?" I called out as she turned around without a word and headed back into the kitchen. "Wait, mom! What about this song?"

Still at the loudest volume, I pressed play on Perfect by One Direction. I skipped to the second verse and sang along to the song, almost shouting the words to the bridge. "And if you like cameras flashing every time we go out! And if you're looking for someone to write your breakup songs about! Baby, I'm perfect. Baby, we're perfect!"

"Skylar!" Joe suddenly called downstairs, and it took me so much by surprise that I burst out laughing, and I could even hear Taylor laughing in the kitchen.

When Josh finally came, I'd had time to annoy Taylor for another fifteen minutes before I'd gotten bored and gone to bother Joe. I had spent the rest of the time on TikTok which made the time pass really quickly.

"Have fun, babes. Text me updates on how it's going, alright?" Taylor said once we were about to leave. Josh was taking my bag to the truck, and Taylor pulled me into a hug and leaned down to kiss the top of my head.

"If I remember," I replied, and she raised her eyebrows at me, making me smile. "Bye mom, love ya."

"I love you too. Say hi to Connor and Florence for me, please."

"Mhm. Bye Joe." I went to hug Joe as well, and we let go after he'd squeezed me really hard, making me laugh.

"Bye y'all, see ya in a few days." I waved at them and left through the front door.

Josh waited for me by the car and pulled me in for a quick kiss when I walked over to him, but I pushed him away.

"Josh. My parents are probably still watching," I hissed through clenched teeth, and he smirked at me.

We got into the pickup to start our drive down to Jackson. Riding in his truck had slowly become one of my new favorite things, and I rested my eyes as we settled into a comfortable silence. It was just Josh, me and the road.

"Now, whose names should I know?" Josh asked me after a while of us just driving with the radio quietly playing in the background.

I opened my eyes to look over at him as I considered his question. "Uhm, well, you haven't met anyone yet. But we're staying at Connor's house-"

"Okay, I know Connor," he interrupted me and nodded.

"Yeah, and Connor and I have known each other for a long time, so we're very close. I'm also really close to his mom, or at least used to be."

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