26 - life goes on, oh i'm just a girl

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"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Taylor barged into my room and woke me up with a start. She clapped her hands loudly a few times and pulled apart the blue curtains to let the sunlight into my room.

"What is happening?" I lay back down again and pulled the covers over my head to hide from the bright light.

"Skye, I'm serious, wake up. Get out of bed, chop chop chop!" Taylor pulled the covers off of me and I curled into a ball. "Did you pack your bags?"

I could hear her walking across the room and moving around by my stuff. I opened one eye to see her picking up my purple duffel bag and grabbing the handle to my suitcase. Since we bought a bunch of clothes when we were out shopping, I would bring some of the new clothes and my old stuff back to Nashville and we'd take some of it with us to LA.

She carried the bags to the doorway and turned her head to look at me, making her naturally wavy hair fly around her shoulders. "I'm bringing this downstairs and making us each a smoothie to-go. You better be ready when I'm done and have packed Dibbles' things. Do not forget to bring your EpiPen, I mean it."

She left with the bags and I yawned before I rolled out of bed and went to take a quick shower while listening to Fearless. We had stayed in New York for three more days — and I'd had time to hang out with Zade and his friends once more — but now we were going to make a quick stop in Nashville to pick up some stuff and Meredith who'd been staying at Andrea's house since she wasn't the biggest fan of traveling. We were then leaving Nashville as soon as possible to go to California since both Joe and Taylor were attending the Golden Globes in two days. I was excited to see the Beverly Hills houses and Taylor had told me that we were staying at the house that she was planning on selling later this year.

When I was done and had gotten dressed and ready, I packed my charger before grabbing the last of my stuff and making my way down to where she'd put everything.

"Wonderful," Taylor said in a rushed voice, exiting the kitchen/living room area and walking over to me, handing me a to-go cup. "Here's your smoothie. Did you see Liv upstairs?"

She seemed to be in a hurry because she was doing several things at once; talking to me and packing some of Olivia's stuff while still taking micro pauses to take sips of her coffee.

"I don't know. I didn't see her," I shrugged, looking around to see if the cat was there but couldn't find her. I didn't see Joe either but could hear him on the phone in the kitchen. He'd been on the phone a lot lately, talking to the realtor who was helping them buy a new place in London.

"Could you please go look for her while I get the rest of the stuff? I told Max the plane would be ready to leave by ten," Taylor asked as she was bending over and rummaging through a bag with her free hand.

Max was the pilot who would fly us to Tennessee and then to California.

"Ten!? Why would you do that?" I glanced down at my phone and saw that it was 8:48 AM. There was no way we would be ready to leave by then.

"'Cause I wanted to give us enough time in Nashville before we leave for LA. There's still a chance we'll be able to make it so go go go and find Olivia," she said, ushering me toward the stairs.

We didn't end up leaving the ground until 10:20, which I thought was really impressive of us, and by the time we pulled up outside of Andrea's house we were all starving. Neither Taylor nor I had eaten anything other than the smoothies and we'd already gotten into two minor arguments as we were both kind of grumpy. I was pretty sure Joe had had something more than a smoothie because he seemed to be in a better mood.

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