21 - . . .oh baby, baby merry christmas

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When I woke up the next morning, I was alone in the bed and sat up slowly, yawning and stretching. My morning routine usually started with me checking my phone, so I picked it up from the bedside table without thinking about it. As soon as I turned it on, I was met with a bunch of notifications and it finally hit me what day it was.

I went downstairs, skipping every other step, and noticed everyone except Patrick sitting in front of the TV and watching some boys' choir singing. There was a tiny space left between Taylor and Joe on the couch where I managed to squeeze down. "Yay, Joe! You're wearing the pj's!" I whispered loudly when I noticed, and he grinned down at me.

"Your lovely foster mom here forced me to," he whispered back, and I turned to see Taylor smirking.

"Merry Christmas, babes," she whispered, giving me a warm hug in her own identical pj's.

"What are we-"

Before I had time to ask, someone on the TV started talking and Beth exclaimed, "It's starting!"

I had no idea what we were watching but I figured it was that movie that Beth had told us about yesterday. It was hard for me to keep up with what the old lady on the screen was saying because she was listing a bunch of facts and names I'd never heard before. When the clips of the Royal Air Force started playing, I realized it wasn't a movie after all, and then I thought I recognized the woman who was talking in the background when she was shown in another short clip, wearing a blue hat.

I leaned in closer to Taylor and whispered, "Is that the UK's actual queen?"

Taylor covered her mouth to stifle a laugh but nodded. As the Queen continued talking, I leaned my body into Taylor's side and closed my eyes, feeling her wrap an arm around me. After what felt like a second later, I was woken up by Taylor gently saying my name and rubbing my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, I saw Joe standing in front of the couch, pointing his phone at us and looking to be taking a picture of us, but I was too tired to care.

"Is the thing with the Queen over?" I wondered, pointing to the TV that someone had turned off.

"Yes Skye, the thing with the Queen is over," Taylor answered through giggles. "Now I think it's time for the stockings and then Christmas pictures."

We went around to the front of the fireplace where seven Christmas stockings hung. Three of them looked very much alike except one was blue with the letter J embroidered, one was red with a T, and the last one was green with an S on it. The other five were also almost identical to each other in the design, and I assumed they were Joe's family's stockings.

I got a bunch of candy, a snow globe, a polaroid camera, a set of extra guitar strings, a couple of guitar picks and some other stuff in mine, and I was about to open the bag with my favorite candy when Taylor stopped me and said I had to wait until after breakfast. Joe held the video camera and was videotaping us as we opened the stockings, and he had me show the camera what I got. I kind of felt bad that Taylor had spent so much money on this, but I noticed all the stuff that Tom and Pat got too and it made me feel a tiny bit better.

We all thanked Santa for filling our stockings before we went to take the pictures of us in our matching pajamas that Taylor wanted so badly. Tom took some with the three of us, some with just Taylor and me, Joe and me, and Taylor and Joe. We also took a bunch with all seven of us but I didn't like those as much because I had to practically sit in Taylor's lap for the five of us to fit on the couch while Tom and Pat were fortunate enough to get to stand behind us.

We were in the middle of having breakfast when the front door opened and we saw Andrea and Scott appear around the corner, both wearing big coats, Santa hats and happy smiles.

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