34 - too young to know it gets better

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The house that Taylor had rented for the Secret Session was really cool, and it had an awesome view of the city which would look great in the meet-and-greet pictures. I'd been looking around the house and decided to see what Taylor was doing. I found her on the tuxedo sofa in the living room talking on the phone and sat down in one of the matching armchairs that had been pushed to the wall.

"Not yet; I've been super busy and haven't had time," I heard her say as I picked up my phone to occupy myself with. I wasn't eavesdropping precisely, but I wasn't not listening to her either. "Yeah, I'll just ask her tonight after it's over, or tomorrow. Mhm, no that's fine. We have to do it soon anyway 'cause school starts again in a couple of weeks. Okay, well, I have to go, they'll be here soon. I miss you too, babe. I will. Talk to you later, love you, bye."

She had a huge grin on her face as she hung up and then looked up to finally notice me for the first time. "Oh, hey," she said happily, and I returned the smile.

"Who was that?"

"Joe. He wanted me to tell you he says hi," she said, standing up from where she'd been sitting.

"What did he want?" I asked curiously, and she cocked her brows at me.

"That's private, little Miss Nosy," she teased, bumping her arm into mine as we walked through the curved white archway out of the room.

"Sorry," I said, shrugging sheepishly, and she smiled.

"It's fine; I was just kidding. I'll tell you when all of this is over."

She led us down the hallway which was carefully decorated with canvas paintings in different colors, lined up at a precise distance from each other. We passed a painting of a snow-covered mountain when I started smelling something weird and scrunched my nose. "Taylor, what is that smell?" I asked, frowning and looking around.

"What smell?" She sniffed the air, and I watched as her face turned to look scared. "Oh, shoot! The cookies!" she exclaimed.

She started running and I quickly followed her into the kitchen, seeing her open the oven and pull out two baking sheets full of burnt cookies.

"Oh no," I breathed out, walking over to stand next to her. It was a good thing we got there when we did; a few minutes later and the smoke would've probably set off the fire alarm.

She looked from the cookies to me with a worried expression. "What should I do? Do you think I have to throw them out?"

I thought about it and tilted my head to the side. "Uhm, nah. They're probably gonna eat them anyway, just because you've made them," I replied with a shrug. "And they still look amazing."

Taylor looked unsure about it and leaned down closer to study them carefully. "Could you taste one and see if they're eatable?"

I screwed my face up in disgust and eyed the cookies before hesitantly taking one of them with two fingers. "This is, like, really proving that they would eat them if I do this, because I eat your cookies all the time," I said, holding the cookie up in front of her. I slowly brought it closer to my mouth and took a bite of it, making a grossed-out face and then started laughing.

"Is it really that bad?" she asked worriedly, and I held out the cookie toward her.

"Here, taste it yourself. And they'll be here soon anyway, so it's not like you're gonna have time to bake a new patch."

Taylor took the cookie from me and took the tiniest bite of it, making a face. "Do you really think they're gonna wanna eat these?"

"Yeah, it's fine." I shrugged and turned around when I heard Guy from Taylor Nation walk into the kitchen.

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