41 - i didn't read between the lines

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A/N: ...jk, she didn't know anything :)


Corinne and I made up the next morning, but it wasn't like that, because she called and explained everything that had happened.

Apparently, she'd been getting ready for the party when her mom had asked her to go down to the basement and get something for her. Just as she'd walked down there, the power had gone out and she couldn't find her phone to use the flashlight, so she had to wait until the power was back on and she could see again. After that, they found out that her mom's boyfriend had gotten into a motorcycle accident and ended up at the hospital, and her mom obviously wanted to go see him, meaning she wasn't going to give Corinne a ride, and Corinne didn't have any other way of getting to Nashville.

When I told Connor about it, he said it was a bullshit excuse. He went on about how she should've called me earlier and that I was way too forgiving after she'd ruined my birthday. I didn't like the impression that — now — all of my friends had of Corinne, not just Maeve, but at the same time I couldn't be bothered to worry about it. Taylor hadn't said anything about the situation — nothing good, nothing bad — so I had no idea what she was thinking.

Taylor had to leave early the next morning and took my friends from New York with her to drop them off. More people — who hadn't already — left throughout the morning until it was just Connor and I left. Andrea had come over to, quote unquote, keep us company — more like babysit us — since Joe had to go back to London again, and we'd be left alone at the house.

"How was the party yesterday?" Andrea asked while we were having lunch. Zade had been snapping me pictures and videos of their trip back to JFK ever since they left, and I was a bit distracted by my phone going off every five minutes.

"It was... good," I replied, turning my eyes on Connor who was giving me a look.

"That's good," she laughed, glancing down as my phone chimed again, letting me know I'd received a new Snap.

It was a picture of Ben, Laura and Harlem, sipping something out of champagne glasses. I giggled at the picture and was about to send him a selfie back when I heard Connor moan next to me, sounding irritated.

I looked over at him with raised eyebrows. "What's up with you?"

He gave me an annoyed look but shook his head. "Nothin'," he replied without showing any emotion as he was looking right at me.

"You sure?" It sure seemed like something was bothering him.

"I'm good," he replied, looking away. I turned to my phone again but caught him rolling his eyes at me in my peripheral view.

"'Kay seriously. What's your problem, dude? Just tell me," I said, not having it.

"Why bother," he sighed, standing up and heading toward the staircase.

I stared after him and looked over at Andrea in disbelief when he'd disappeared up the stairs. She'd also been following him with her eyes, but now they fell on me over the rim of her glasses. "Did I do somethin'?"

She quickly glanced down at my phone and then up at me again, but I caught the quick action.

"Is he annoyed because I'm using my phone? He's on his phone just as much as I am."

She looked at me for a second but then shook her head. "I don't think that's what's bothering him. I could be wrong, but I think he might be a little jealous of the people you're chatting with; the people who are making you laugh."

I raised my eyebrows questioningly and glanced down at the screen as Zade's name popped up again. Then I remembered our conversation out on the roof, when Connor had brought up Zade. "I can't believe it," I mumbled, putting my phone down on the table. I should've known better than to assume they had just been empty words.

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