18 - i remember tears streaming down your face when i said i'll never let you go

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I woke up with a start some time before the sun rose. It was still dark in my room and when I checked the time on my phone, I saw that it was still just 7:05 AM. I'd only gotten about four hours of sleep so far but people were shouting so I had to see what was going on. Flint looked up from the foot of the bed when I went to stand up but decided to ignored me and went back to sleep.

"Are you alright dear? Did anything break?" Beth called from somewhere downstairs as I peeked out from behind the door. I didn't see anyone so I started going down the hallway toward the stairs.

"I'm fine, mom!" Patrick called back. "Where did it go though?" he mumbled to himself and I saw him at the bottom of the staircase, frowning at the floor as if looking for something.

I quickly scanned the floor and noticed something round and purple lying below the first step. Patrick didn't see me as I quietly went down and picked it up. I wasn't sure what it was, but it looked like something out of a Harry Potter book. It seemed to be some sort of see-through, purple, glass orb.

"Are you looking for this?" I asked, startling him and he snapped his head around to stare at me.

"Fuck! You scared me," he said, but I saw a smile forming on his lips. "Oh, yeah, thanks."

He went over and carefully took the weird glass globe from me, turning it around to study it. "Crap. It's chipped. He probably won't notice..."

He seemed to be talking to himself and I frowned at the object. "What is it?"

Patrick looked up with an amused expression which surprised me. "I have no bloody idea. It's my friend's, he left it here last week and has been nagging me about it ever since. Might kill me if he sees it's broken, in that case I guess this is goodbye forever. It was nice knowing you for five whole seconds."

I smiled at him and took a step toward the stairs as Beth appeared around the corner. "Pat? Who are you- Oh, Skye! Did we wake you up? I'm so sorry."

I shook my head and covered my mouth as I yawned. "I needed to go to the bathroom anyway." I turned to Patrick. "Hope you don't die today."

"Thanks, me too," Patrick said before he raised his arm in a salute and left.

Beth gave me a curious look but I just smiled, shrugged, and headed back upstairs. I hadn't actually needed to go to the bathroom but I didn't want her to feel bad for waking me since they'd been so nice to let me stay here.

The next time I woke up, it was from someone knocking on the bedroom door. I really didn't feel like leaving the warm bed so instead I called out, "Yeah? Come on in!"

The door opened and Joe took a step inside. "Good morning kiddo. Sorry if I woke you up. Oh, has Flint been sleeping in here with you? That was nice of him. Anyway, I thought we could have some breakfast here and then go back to my place? Take your time getting dressed and ready, I'll wait in the kitchen for you to come down so we can eat together."

"What time is it?" I yawned and he chuckled.

"Uh, it's ten o'clock here. Mom wanted me to wake you up, sorry if you only had a few hours of sleep."

"It's... fine," I said, stopping mid-sentence to yawn again.

"Take your time, Skye," he said and left, closing the door behind him.

It was 5 AM at home and I had only slept for seven hours, so it wasn't entirely my fault that it took me such a long time to get ready. My head felt foggy and I wasn't really paying attention to what I was doing. After about forty-five minutes of mostly staring into space and trying to figure out what I was doing, I finally staggered down the stairs dragging my packed bag behind me, followed by Flint.

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