Trouble in paradise

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I was scrolling through twitter (a/n follow me on twitter if you want @katiachavez99 😅)

When I received a massage from Austin

Hey wanna hang out I miss my BFF!

I giggled and started typing back to him

Sure when and where?

Meet me in the bus in about an 30 minutes and we can go to the movies or something

Sure let me ask vic really quickly

Okay text me when he tells you something

Okay :)

I locked my phone and put it in my back pocket walking over to the front lounge where Vic and Danielle were
"Hey dad I have a question" I told him "shoot" he said "can I go hang out with Austin he just texted me asking if I wanted to go to the movies with him?"

He looked at Danielle and shook his shoulders "I don't see why not just text me when you get their" he said I smiled "YAYY thank you dad I'm gonna go change really quick" I told him he nodded

I went to the back of the bunks and grabbed a plaid black and red shirt with some blue jeans and my black vans I did my hair and I was done as I was going to the front if the bus tony walked in front of me

"Hey where are you going?" he asked cheerfully "I'm going to a movie with Austin" his jaw stiffened as soon as I said Austin's name

"I don't want you hanging out with him" he said seriously crossing his arms over his chest "look tony I understand that you're not a big fan o him but that doesn't mean I can't hang out with him" I said trying to walk past him but he blocked my way

"Can you move please?" I asked my not having much patience with him "no I don't want you hanging out with him!" he said angrily "you may be my boyfriend tony but that doesn't mean you can't tell me who I can and can't hang out with!" I yelled at him angrily

Pushing past him and leaving to go to the of mice and men bus slamming the door behind me

I walked over to the of mice and men bus already calmed down a bit I knocked on the door and Phil answered the door "hey munchkin come on in" he said I smiled "thanks Phil where's Austin?" I asked walking inside the bus

"Right here you ready to go?" Austin said walking up from behind us I nodded my head an he smiled leading me to his car

"Alright so what movie do you want to watch?" he asked as we drive to the movies I shrugged my shoulders "whatever's fine" I told him

"Want to watch project almanac?" he asked I nodded "yeah that's fine" I told him

***at the theater

"2 tickets to project almanac please" Austin told the guy at the ticket both nodded typing something in the computer "your total is $8:50" he said I took my money out I my back pocket about to okay when Austin stopped me

"Nope I'm paying" he said handing the guy a credit card we went inside the theater and waited for the movie to start a while after commercials the lights dimmed down

Half way through the movie Austin yawned and stretched and put his arm over me I tried so hard to stifle my laugh but it came out anyway an people were shushing me

"Why are you laughing" Austin asked "really Austin the fake yawn thing to put your arm around me that's so cheese but it was cute anyway" I told him it may be dark but I can still see him blushing

***after the movie

"Well that was good movie" Austin said as we walked to his car "yeah it was" I told him he stopped me and got in front of

"If I try something do you promise not to get mad at me or hit me?" he asked I shook my head "no" the next thing I knew he was leaning in closer and closer and closer

To be continued...

****im back bitches vote and comment what you thought about this chapter and what you think will happen next and for those who don't know yet I posted another story called 'I found you something told me to stay' so please check it out an leave feed back on it byee*****

adopted by pierce the veil***EDITING***Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon