Chapter 10 **re-written**

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Kristels p.o.v.

"You requested my presence?" I asked Vic entering his room he chuckled "yeah I wanted to let you know that Mike and I enrolled you into high school, you start tomorrow" I sighed not really having much of option then to just deal with it "at what time do classes start?" I asked "9am" he said reading from a paper that was next to him I nodded "well I'm going to bed then" I told him with a smile "goodnight kristel" "goodnight dad

Walking into my room I face planted onto my bed "I'm good" I said after yelling into my pillow for a solid minute and half. Deciding it would be better to chose an outfit now rather than in the morning I stood up and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a My Chemical Romance shirt that slid off the shoulder with blue jeans and converse and set the next to my bed


I yawned shutting off the alarm I had set and lazily walked over to my restroom "you look like shit" I told my reflection in the mirror, I had visible dark circles underneath my eyes from lack of sleep and last nights make up was still on, I grabbed a make up remover taking it off and brushed my teeth

Lazily I removed my pajamas and put on my school clothes and did my make up which was foundation, eyeliner, mascara, a maroon Kat Von D lipstick and some blush.

"I'm driving you to school" Mike who was eating a banana said when I walked down stairs I nodded following him out the door

The car ride was silent apart from the radio playing some Pantera song the car came to a stop at an old looking school building "have fun at school. Don't do drugs" Mike said with a wide smile I laughed "thanks bye Mike" he waved "see ya later kiddo"

"Time to go into Satans dungeon. Great." I muttered to myself. I walked around the school trying to find the front office, when I turned the corner I slammed into someone's body causing both of us to fall down

"Ow" the person said standing up "I-I'm so sorry" I stuttered getting up "dude it's fine, I'm Molly" the girl said sticking her hand out for me to shake I smiled taking it "Kristel" she smiled "are you new? I've never seen you around" she asked I nodded "yeah I'm actually looking for the front office? I need to get my schedule"

She smiled "follow me" she said leading me the complete opposite of where I was going "I like your shirt" she said pointing at it "you have good taste in music" I muttered her a quick "thanks" and smiled shyly

"Molly what can I do for you today?" A lady said smiling warmly at us "she's new and needs her schedule" she told her getting straight to the point the lady smiled "what's your name sweetie?" She asked "Kristel Hernandez Fuentes" she nodded typing it in she printed my paper and gave it to me "have a nice day lady's"

"Can I see your schedule?" Molly asked I nodded handing it to her she skimmed through it and smiled "cool it looks like we have all the same classes!" She said enthusiastically I smiled happy that I had already made a new friend


Vic👨🏾-Hey got caught up in the studio sent Mike to pick you up. I'm sorry, I hope you had a good first day.

I sighed locking my phone I sat on one of the benches waiting on Mike to get here "hey I'm lake" a guy with an All Time Low shirt said sitting next to me "Kristel, nice to meet you" I told him with a smile "nice shirt" he said I looked down at it then back at him "thanks" I told him with a small smile "you new? I've never seen you around" I nodded "yeah I just moved  here" a loud car honk startled me causing me to look up I quickly recognized Mikes car "well that's my cue bye nice meeting you"

I told him with a smile and made my way to Mikes car "hey kiddo, how was your first day?" He asked with a smile "could've been worse" he laughed "well Vic's at the studio so we can just go home and watch a movie or something till he gets there" I nodded giving him a smile


"Can we watched mean girl?!" I asked excitedly as Mike hung up with the pizza guy "isn't that a chick flick? He asked I nodded "yes and no it's really funny" he shrugged his shoulders "fuck it lets watch it" I cheered excitedly and started it

We were at the part where Gretchen has a melt down in the middle of class when the pizza arrived

"I'm not even gonna lie it was really funny" Mike said with a laugh "I told you so!" I said pointing accusingly at him

He laughed "well alright time for bed you still have school tomorrow" I sighed "fine" I said standing up and cleaning up the mess we left before heading up stairs "good night Mike" he smiled "Night kiddo"

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