chapter 8 **re-written**

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Tony's p.o.v.

I don't know what I've gotten myself in by getting in a relationship with a 14 year old girl. I hope I made the right decision in asking her out, all I know is in a series of 3 days she managed to have me wrapped around her finger.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt my hand suddenly  become empty I looked down to see Kristels hand had left mine and that we were already at the top of the stairs. She smiled up at me I saw Vic already outside waiting on us I suddenly got pushed a side when Jaime came running past me yelling "shot gun" I rolled my eyes and regained my balance

We went inside the car with Vic driving Jaimd in the passenger seat Kristel in the middle and Mike and I beside her. Jaime turned on the radio and Avenged Sevenfold's Diamonds In The Rough CD came on

We drove in silence to the studio i other than the sound of Matt singing and Kristel occasionally singing along to what ever song was on.  I smiled looking down at her I had to be careful not to show to much affection around her because then the guys will become suspicious and who knows what there reactions will be especially Vic's...

***Kristels p.o.v.

We arrived at the studio about 15 minutes after we left the house. I sat on a near by couch the guys had and watched in awe as they performed a song that I think is called Bulls In The Bronx? I might be wrong on the title but oh week I'll figure it out later

"And I don't wanna wait for the down set date cause I would rather end it all tonight but if I mean anything to you I'm sorry but I've made up my mind" Vic sang it was beautiful

When the song ended I clapped the boys smiled "that was beautiful what was it about?" I asked curiously Vic sighed "a fan of ours had committed suicide due to some bullying she was receiving she was a huge fan of our band and her friends thought it was be a good idea to send us the video she made before she died, her death haunted us for the longest time so I wrote this song for her" Vic said my hand went up to my mouth "that's terrible" he nodded "yeah it was"

After that conversation the guys recorded a couple more songs we ended up leaving the studio at around 9pm and got home at around 9:30pm

Jaime and Tony decided to stay over and have a movie day Mike and Tony were currently arguing on what to watch the voices being Star Wars and Harry Potter I rolled my eyes as they continued to yell at each other

"HARRY POTTER!" Mike yelled at Tony "Kristel which do you want to watch?" Tony asked everyone's attention diverted to me "I love Star Wars" I said "ha!" Tony said pointing a finger at Mike "wait a minute Tony I didn't say I wanted to watch so don't get too excited I actually feel like watching Harry Potter" I said with a smile Tony frowned "you suck" I shrugged my shoulders "your fault for asking me I love Harry Potter slightly more than Star Wars" I said with a proud smile "HA!" Mike yelled at Tony "I knew I liked you!" Mike said giving me a side hug causing me to giggle "so you only like me because I chose Harry Potter?" I asked he nodded "pretty much yeah" he said with a smile "ouch I'm hurt" I said pretending to cry on Jaime's shoulder "jk I love you" Mike said giving me a hug

He put in the movie which was Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban. I quickly got comfortable on my spot in the couch and watched the movie in front of me

***Tonys p.o.v.

"She's asleep" Jaime pointed out smiling she had fallen a sleep on his shoulder "I'll take her to her room" I said standing up; anything so I could get out from watching Harry Potter again "Thanks Tone" Vic said shooting me a smile I nodded and stood up and lifted her as gently as I could with out waking her she stirred a little as we went up the stairs "Tony?" She mumbled quietly trying to open her eyes "shhh go back to sleep" I told her she nodded and snuggled into my chest I turned on her bedroom light and laid her on her bed I took her shoes off and put the covers over her "good night beautiful" I told her kissing her forehead

I turned her bedroom light off and headed back downstairs and into living room where the guys were waiting for me

**hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter vote and comment your thoughts***

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