chapter 7 **re-written**

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Kristels p.o.v.

I ran upstairs to my room groaning and mumbling things about Jaime. Like what the fuck man? I was just about to tell him the truth but just had to step in

I let out a frustrated groan and jumped on my bed, letting my thoughts consume my mind

about 5 minutes later my door abruptly opened to reveal Tony.

"W-What are you doing here?" I stuttered sitting up from my position on my bed "we have a conversation to finish. Remember?" He asked as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

I mentally face palmed my self for even bringing up the kiss, this is a lot harder than I thought it was gonna be and I'm not liking this conversation at all. Not one bit.

"What did you mean when you said 'You can't hurt yourself turtle?' He asked sitting down next to me I sighed. This conversation was going to happen eventually might as well be now.

"You kissed me last night Tony" his eyes widened in shock his face showing an emotion I couldn't quite put my finger on

"W-What are you talking about? I-I didn't kiss you" he said standing up pacing around my room I knew this would happen "yes you did, you were drunk and I was in too much shock to react I pulled away as soon as I smelled the alcohol though"

He blankly stared at me and continued pacing around the room. "Look and if you don't believe me you can ask Jaime, he saw the whole thing" he stopped pacing and his eyes widened "Jaime saw what happened?!" He asked I nodded

"No no no no no this is bad" he said continuing to pace around the room for the 80th time I rolled my eyes and grabbed his shoulders "Tony it's fine he said he wouldn't tell anybody anything" he took deep breaths and nodded rapidly

We sat on my bed, silence consuming the air the only thing that could be heard was Tony's breathing and the music that was faintly playing through my earphones that were on my night stand

"D-Do you like me?" Tony asked breaking the silence, I stared at him momentary debating on my answer "I mean I think I do" I said barely above a whisper I don't even know if he heard me

"Look Kristel I like you too" my ears perked up and I smiled "but I can't go out with you" my smile turned into a frown "you're still veeeery underage I could go to jail for going out with a minor" I nodded "yeah I understand"

"But" he said lifting my head up "we could date in secret" he said a smirk on his face

I thought about it. All the good and bad things that could come out of this "are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked confirming what I heard "yes iam, got a problem with it?" He asked with the same smirk plastered on his face

"Nope not at all" I say popping the "P"

"Good" he says

He leaned in about to kiss me as soon as our lips were about to touch Vic's voice startled us pulling us apart "GUYS LETS GO!"

"W-We should go" Tony soar blushing shyly I nodded standing up he grabbed my hand opening my bedroom door and we walked toward this stairs hand in hand

This relationship is going to come back and bite me in the ass but fuck it, you only live once right?

****hi guys I hope you enjoy this vote and comment your thoughts****

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