Chapter 22

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Kristel's P.O.V.

I was still in a state a shock it's been more than 30 minutes since Austin left

I can't believe he kissed me I was pulled out of my thoughts when the bus door opened with the guys coming in

"Ohmygodguyslookit'smy beautifuldaughterKristel" Vic slurred and hiccuped coming in the bus and pointing at me I laughed

"Vic you're drunk" I said still laughing "noimnotyouredrunk" he slurred tripping over the carpet and falling I laughed

"I'mokay" he slurred getting up and hiccuping "Vicyou'reanidiot" Mike hiccuped "noimnotimgonnatellmom" Vic slurred out I was laughing so hard right now "I'm so scarred you big baby" Mike said "alright guys that's enough go to bed" jaime said to them trying not to laugh

"No you're not my mom" Vic told him stumbling around "yes Iam" Jaime told him Vic's eyes went wide "what mommy why do you have such big muscles?" Vic said while he hugged Jaime

Jaime laughed and lead them to there bunk with Tony following behind looking very drunk and struggling to get to his bunk once he was in it he said "#thestruggleisreal" before knocking out I tried so hard not to laugh because I was still really mad at him but come on it was funny

"Jaime?" I asked going over to his bunk "yeah?" he said "can I sleep with you tonight I don't feel like dealing with Tony tonight?" I asked "yeah sure hop in" he said scooting over "thanks Jaime goodnight" I said "good night Kristel"

*****next day*****

I woke up at around 9:30am I left Jaime's bunk and grabbed my phone and went to the back lounge

I was scrolling through social media when I got a text from Austin

Hey can we talk?meet me at my bus at 10:30 please

Yeah sure

Great see you then

I looked at the clock it was 9:40 fuck I need to get ready I jumped into the shower washing my body really quick

When I got out of the shower I blow dried my hair really quickly before doing it

I put on a long grey knitted sweater with some black leggings with my grey combat boots it was a bit chilly outside so why not

I curled my hair and did my eyeliner and I was ready to go

I checked the time and it was 10:20am the guys weren't up yet so I decided to leave them a note

Dear who ever reads this

I'm going out with Austin idk where we are going but I'll see yall later bye


I grabbed my phone from the counter and walked over to the of mice & men bus

I knocked on the bus and the door opened several seconds later with a smiling Austin "hey you ready to go?" He asked I nodded my head "yeah"i told him anxiously

He chuckled "alright one sec let me get my keys" I nodded and waited for him "okay I'm back let's go"

He said stepping out the bus and walking us to his car he opened the door for me "thank you Austin" I said smiling "you are very welcome" he said getting into the drivers side he turned on the car and we put on our seat belts

"Okay so where are we going?" I asked curiously "Starbucks!" He said really excitedly

I chuckled "can I put some music on my phone?" I asked hoping he would say yes "yeah sure" he said smiling i grabbed his auxiliary cord put it on my phone and scrolled through my music till I found what I was looking for

The music played and I was head banging through out most of the song "who are these guys?" Austin asked "beyond all recognition this song is called martyrs" I said smiling

"I really like them there like a mix of death core and Dubstep" he said excitedly

The song ended and the next one came on which was Girl I Know by Avenged Sevenfold

"Ohhh I love this song"I said turning up the volume and singing along The lyrics to this song are dirty but fuck it I love it

"Let me tell you about a girl I know that comes alive when you take off her clothes there's no telling just where she's been ask around but no one seems to know yeah"

I sang along loudly to the words while Austin just looked at me like I was crazy "what it's a good song" I said

"Late at night when you're looking to sin call her up and she'll lay down the law"I sang the entire song whith Austin giving me an amused smile the entire time
"Went to school got a job and then she shot it to hell all cause she's more to please yeah"

***20 minutes later

"Are we almost there yet?" I whined out "I'm not sure" he said almost in a question type of way "what do you mean you're not sure?" I asked "I'm lost" he said

"What really Austin" I said trying not to laugh "what I don't know my way around here" he started laughing his laugh is contagious so I started laughing with him

"Shouldn't you know your way around here I'm mean you are from here" he said seriously "yeah Austin but last time I was here I was 4" I said laughing

**** 10 minutes later*****
"Finally" i exclaimed out as we parked outside a Starbucks "I know" Austin said "wait here" he said getting out the car and opening my door "really Austin I could have opened my own door" I said

"I know but I wanted to" he said opening the door to the coffee place

"Hi what can I get for you" the cashier asked "can I get a medium hot chocolate please?" I asked "sure anything else" the cashier asked "I'll get the same" Austin told her "okay it will be $8.50" she said

I got my wallet out to pay but Austin stopped me "no I'm paying" he said getting his wallet out "no you're not iam" I said "too late" he said giving the girl the money she gave us the change and we waited for our drinks

We got our drinks and sat down at one of the tables "okay so what did you wanna talk about?" I asked hoping it wasn't about last night

"Kristel about last night I'm so fucking sorry I know how upset you were about the whole Tony thing I don't know why i did it" Austin said honestly

"Austin it's fine it's all behind us" I said truthfully

"No Kristel last night made me realize that i-

"Well fancy seeing you here" someone said

I turned around and it was Tony shit

"Tony what are you doing here?" I asked nervously wait why the fuck I'm i nervous

"I came to get some coffee for me and the guys and I saw you here well guess you don't need me to keep you company" he said angrily

"Hey man don't get mad at Kristel I just brought her out because I wanted to talk to her" Austin said

"Oh yeah about what!" He said snapping at Austin everybody was starring

"You have no right to talk to him like that he was the only one that was there when you broke my heart tony" I said angrily

"What are you talking about?" He asked clueless "ah yes that feels so good Tony ring any bells?" I yelled

He's eyes widened "fuck Kristel I'm so fucking sorry" Tony said

"I think you should leave" Austin said stepping up "yeah or what" Tony said getting really close to his face

I got in between them "guys stop Austin I think we should go and Tony I'll talk to you later" they stepped away from each other

We left the Starbucks and we got I'm Austins car Austin was still fuming the car ride back was silent apart from the radio playing in the background

****cliff hanger what do you think will happen next vote and comment what you think****

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