16.Romantic Coincidence

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So by now you would have noticed that I'm dedicating chapters to new readers who comment for the first time.So new readers comment to get a dedication in the next chapter. 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

Dedicated to ishu_599 evilshree

Author's POV

"Grandpyyy...what are you doing here? "Kanika whispered to Mr.Krishna Ram, who was bending down and searching for something inside the refrigerator. It was midnight, and almost everyone in the house was asleep.

"Sshhh...You will wake everyone. Just be silent. Where the hell is it? "He spoke, still searching for something.

Kanika, Yadhu, Shreya, and Arjun came to Yadhu's ancestral home two days before the party. Kanika and Yadhu's granddad bonded well in just two days and were more or less partners in crime, as Shreya stated it.

"Found it, "Krishna Ram said excitedly as he took out a can of Gulab Jamun from the fridge.

"Heyy...gulab jamun," Kanika squealed in happiness.

"Sshh...sshh...sshh...Don't make noise...if Yadhu and that Hitler woman find us, they will grill us alive," Krishna Ram said, hushing Kanika.

"But grandpy...You are older than them, and you can eat anything you like. Why are you scared of them? "Kanika asked innocently.

"Kani baby, I'm a sugar patient, and Yadhu has given me a strict diet. On top of that, my doctor is Shreya's friend, and she is strictly monitoring my health. They don't let me have sweets. Shreya controls even my maids. I used your name to buy all these sweets. Or else this fridge would have been a desert without sweets," Krishna Ram whined to a clueless Kani.

"Oh, grandpy...They are cruel people. How can they not give my grandpa sweets? Don't worry. I will sneak all my sweets and chocolates to you from now on, "Kanika hugged Krishna Ram in assurance.

"Deal? "he asked as he took two bowls from the kitchen and served the gulab jamun.

"Deal, "Kanika replied as he passed one of the bowls to her.

They both were about to dig into their dessert when a clapping sound startled them.

"Wow...The thieves are caught red-handed," Shreya said in an angry tone.

"Grandpa ...Don't you know that eating sweets is not suitable for you, and your sugar levels can shoot up," she asked, crossing her hands above her chest.

"Grandpa, Shreya is right. It's unhealthy for you to eat sweets," Yadhu said, coming to the kitchen accompanied by Arjun.

"Grandpu wasn't eating sweets. He was just giving me company, "Kanika defended Krishna Ram with a naughty smile on her face.

"Yeah ...we can see that," Shreya said sarcastically.

"Arju...Grandpy can eat sweet, right?" Kanika immediately turned towards Arjun for aid.

"Of course, Nothing will happen to him if he has a little bit of dessert, "Arjun said, snatching the bowl from Kanika's hand.

"See Grandpy...the good doctor says so. Now eat," she fed the sweet to Krishna Ram while giving a victorious smile to Yadhu and Shreya.

"Him?...good doctor?... And what are we? "Shreya was pissed off hearing Kanika.

"Calm down, Shrey...It's just a bit sweet, "Yadhu tried to calm her down.

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