20.Truth of my existence

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A bit sensitive content. Read at your own risk. It's the reason this chapter was delayed.🥺🥺🥺🥺

Dedicated to allof02 shawsoni chahat_mishra

Yadhu's POV

"Nandhu, can you take me to the blue mountains?" Kanika asked, showing her puppy eyes.

"Sorry, Kani...Today I have emergency surgery, and I have to leave immediately, "I said, taking my white coat in my hands.

"Adi said that you took him to see the Blue flower boom. He said it's beautiful. Nandhu...Please take me there," she begged.

"I will take you tomorrow. Shreya and your good doctor will come today evening, and we can all visit the blue mountains together," I coaxed her.

I kept my distance from Kani for the past week as she tried to get more intimate with me. Though she did it unknowingly, it was becoming hard for me to control her during those vulnerable moments. Already I'm living in guilt, and I don't want her to regret it once she recovers.

"But you took Adi alone to see those mountains. You are my best friend. So you have to take me alone to see the blue mountains," she said, burning in jealousy.

"Kani...I will surely take you there alone, I promise. But today, I can't. So please stay with Adi and Smitha like a good girl till I come back," I told her a bit sternly as my phone rang, indicating that the call was from the hospital.

"You don't love me, Nandhu. You are always busy. I want to go to blue mountains now," she yelled stubbornly, snatched my phone, and flung it on the ground, breaking it into pieces.

"Kani..."I raised my hands in anger and would have backhanded her, but seeing her crying face, I stopped, regretting my actions.

I don't know why I reacted like that to her, but the past week was very stressful for me because of Kani's actions. And the talk I had with Arjun didn't help either.

"Sorry, Kani...I didn't mean to..."I tried to apologize, but Kanika ran away from there, crying nonstop. I dejectedly came out of our home and sat in the car, and started driving towards the hospital, thinking of my conversation with Arjun over the phone last week.


"How can I take advantage of her state? I can't... It's all wrong," I protested, nodding my head in disapproval.

"She is your wife. You have every right," Arjun said to me

"No...No...No...She will hate me when she becomes alright after knowing what I did with her. And without her consent, I married her...Now, this ...I just can't do it," I said dejectedly.

"You asked me a solution, and I suggested the simplest solution," Arjun shrugged his shoulders."Ask Shreya...She will also recommend you the same solution. For god sake, you are a doctor, and you should know what is happening to Kani more than anyone else. She may behave like a bit of a child, but her body is of a mature woman. So it's natural she will have all the feelings of a woman without her realizing it," he said curtly.

"But...I can't give her what she craves for," I objected.

"Why? What happened to you? Did you turn infertile?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Shut up...How can I? ...I mean...how can I have..."I stuttered.

"Have sex with your wife? "he asked bluntly.

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