•Chapter Thirteen•

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I could hear people talking, but i couldn't see them. I heard someone yell my name, shaking me to wake up. After a while I slowly open my eyes, only to see Gregory.
"Gregory" I whispered.
"Yeah it's Gregory" he said in a believe a concerned tone,
"What happened"
"Tony said you were hit, from what he heard" ruldoph said. I tried and sit up, but a shock of pain went through me.
"Shit" I groaned
Gregory picked me up bridel style.
"Look there's a hidden passage" ruldoph stated
He cut of Anna's poem.
"I'm gonna get alex home" Gregory said
They just nodded and Gregory flew home (his skin is covered) ,we went to the cellar and he asked if I could walk. I stumbled abit but got the hang of it.
"What are you doing" I asked
"Taking father's necklace" I didn't bother asking anymore, by the time we got to the cellar and talked it was night time.
He picked me up and flew to a cliff site.
Gregory put me down causing me to almost fall but I grabbed his waist.

Gregory p.o.v
Alex grabbed my waist to stop herself from falling, if I were human I would be blushing. I wrapped the necklace round my knuckle and swung it above my head. I felt Alex tense up when other vampires appeared. I pulled her into a hug and told her it was ok. I saw vampires try and approach her. The others saw me pull her closer, so they knew she was mine and backed off

Alex p.o.v
"I knew I should of not let that mortal get the amulet, I'm so sorry everyone" fredrick said. (I forgot what he said sorry)
"Look" yelled Anna, we all looked to were Anna was pointing and saw ruldoph and Tony putting is hand with the amulet in the air. We all cheered.
Tony walked up to the fredrick with a smile and placed the amulet in his hand,
"Thank you" fredrick said with a small smile
"Wow never knew he could smile" I mumbled but loud enough for Gregory to hear me.
He chuckled and nodded agreeing with me.
Fredrick put the amulet to the moon and started to charnt something. All happiness went when we saw a blimp blocking the moon.
"I got ya now" rookery yelled while laughing.
He put the glowing cross to the vampires causing them to step back in pain, I stood in front of Gregory to cover him from the light. Rookery took the amulet.
"Finally" he said. I saw my parents go up to rookery punch him and push him off the cliff. The amulet flew through the air.
"Catch it Tony" I yelled. Tony ran and caught it.
"You know what we want Tony" ruldoph spoke. Tony put the amulet to his chest and wished, red smoke filled the cliff. I started to tear up and look at Gregory....
Hey lil vamps another part I forgot most bits of what some characters said but oh well hope u enjoy🤍🤍🤍

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