Back To The Shore

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Andrea's POV

"God!" I huffed, pulling my suitcase off of my bed

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"God!" I huffed, pulling my suitcase off of my bed.

"Alright, one last bag." Camille sighed.

We were going back to Seaside for the summer and I was really excited. Camille was helping me pack.

I've had a lot of ups lately; I have my own place now and I just turned twenty-four a few days ago.

"Are you ready yet?" Alex asked, walking in.

"Almost." I replied.

"Hurry up, you know Pauly can't wait to see you." Alex spoke before going back downstairs. I smiled at the mention of him.

Pauly and I have been together almost three months and it has been amazing.

The distance has been kind of hard with him living in Rhode Island and me in New York, but we make it work. We call each other every day and we visit each other a lot.

After we finished packing, we got my stuff downstairs.

"Finally!" Alex exclaimed as he stood up from the couch. I playfully rolled my eyes. He took my bags to the car while I said my goodbyes to my dog and Camille.

"Bye, Haven!" I said, kissing him

"Bye, Haven!" I said, kissing him

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"You can stay here with him, or you can take him back to your house." I told Camille. She decided to be Haven's dog-sitter while I was gone.

"I'm taking him back to my house, I'm not gonna stay here without you." She replied. I laughed before hugging her.

"Bye, babe! Have fun!" Camille said

"I will! Love you." I replied.

"Love you too!" And with that, I walked out of the house to see Alex standing by the car.

"Finally!" He said — once again.

"Shut up!" I said, walking to the car.

"Wait, can I drive?" I asked. Alex rolled his eyes before tossing me the keys. I caught them before running to the driver's seat. We got situated before driving off.

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