Love At The Jersey Shore

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Andrea's POV
I brushed off what Mike said for the moment.

Surely he's just lying, right?

"Jesus fuck, I didn't think this was gonna be that type of call." I hear Jenni say. She's on the phone with Roger.

A few minutes later, Jenni got off the phone.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, we're fine." Jenni says with small smile.


"I can't believe you fucking didn't go back to your shift." Vinny says to Deena and Nicole.

"We got drunk. That's why." Nicole replies.

"Oh, god. Danny's gonna yell at me." Deena sighs.

"He's like, 'Tell the meatballs-- I don't know. I'll handle it.'" Pauly says.

"It's like a disappointed father." Jenni comments.

"Maybe I'll bring him, like, a bagel or something." Nicole says.

"Do something, though." Pauly says.

"Not a bagel. We have to do something." Sammi says.

"Maybe you can two can bake him a cake?" I suggest.

"Yeah. You can put 'We're sorry, Danny.'" Sam says.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Deena says, standing up. Her and Nicole went into the kitchen and started baking the cake.


The next morning, I wake up and I start getting ready for work.

"I think there's a mouse in the house." Ron says as I walk into the kitchen. I look to see a piece missing from the cake.

"Who ate it?" I gasp, "Deena, come see this!" She came into the kitchen.

"Who ate the fucking cake?" Deena asked annoyed.

"I honestly feel like it was Mike." I say as Sam comes in.

"This looks cute." Sam says, looking at it.

"Fucking Mike ate the fucking cake." Deena complains.

"Mike? No." Ron says.

"Pauly?" Deena questions.

"Who loves chocolate cake?"

"No, it was you, Ron." Deena says.

"Why would I eat the cake?" Ron asks.

"Pauly was sleeping." I say.

"Maybe Mike, then." Ron says.

"Or was it Alex?" Sam asks.

"No, Alex doesn't like chocolate." I state.

"Mike was the last person that was awake." Dee says.

We went back to the rooms to ask the others.

"Pauly, how was the chocolate cake? Was it good?" Ron asked.

"No." Pauly says sleepily.

"Oh, you didn't eat it?" He asks. Pauly shook his head.

"Let's just go." I sigh. The four of us walked out of the house, Deena decided to still take the cake to Danny.

"Good morning." Sam says as we arrive at the store.

"Morning, Ronnie, Sammi, Andrea." Danny says as Deena shows him the cake.

"This is for you. Me and Nicole made it, but frickin' Mike ate it." Deena tells him.

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