And The Wall Won

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Andrea's POV
Jenni went to check on Mike, he looked like he was... out of it.

This seemed deeper than him being angry. It seemed like something else was off with Mike. I just can't put my finger on it...

"You alright? Look at me." Jenni told him. Meanwhile, Sam is trying to talk to Ron.

"Admit your shit for once!" Ron said to Mike angrily.

"Admit it?! Admit?! I don't do nothing with your relationship, tough guy!" Mike exclaimed before hitting the wall with his hands. "Let's do it! Let's do it!" He shouted angrily.

Ron went over to Mike and threw a punch at him and they began fighting. I was honestly scared.

"Stop!" Sam shouted. I hide behind Pauly, scared.

Everyone was panicking and shouting at them to stop as security got involved and tried break up the fight.

"I've waited for a long time to fuck you up! I've been waiting, bro! I've waited for a long time!" Ron remarked.

"You did this for no reason. No reason at all." Mike said, standing up. Then he left the room.

"Oh, my god..." I said, still taken back.

Everything had calmed down — well maybe not — Mike was sitting on the couch when Ron shouted, "How'd my knee in your fucking feel?!"

"Yo, fuck you, Ron! I'll take you on everyday, motherfucker!" Mike yelled. They kept cursing and yelling at each other.

After the yelling stopped, Sam tried talking to Ron.

"Sam, walk away." Jenni ordered. Sam kept trying to talk to Ron.

"Sam, please." Deena begged.

"Please just walk away." I said shakily.

"Please, don't. Let's not make this Jersey." Dee pleaded.

"Walk away from it! This isn't fucking fun anymore!" Jenni yells.

"Then stop fucking yelling at me! I fucking get it!" Sam shouted.

Then, Ron told Sam that he had been calling girls since he got here and that made her walk away.

Jenni went to call an ambulance to make sure Mike doesn't have a concussion.

"You okay?" Pauly asked, putting his arms around me.

"No, that shit was scary." I replied. He kissed me on the cheek and brought me into a hug.

The paramedics ended up taking Mike out on a stretcher, it was really terrible to see.

"I'm going to hospital with Mike." Pauly told me.

"Okay," I said before giving him a kiss.

"That went way too far." I said, wiping away my tears. Jenni nodded in agreement.

"I don't want that fucking kid to die." Jenni said, letting out a sob.


A little bit later, I calmed down and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"She shouldn't be in there. He's wasted. It's not gonna matter what she says to him. I hate to say it." Sam complained. She was annoyed because Jenni was talking to Ron.

"No, but you shouldn't be in there, right?" Vinny replied. Then, Sam went to try to talk to Ron again, I followed her.

"No, no. Sam, stop." I told her.

"He needs to be by himself." Sam said, walking into the room.

"Get the fuck out!" Ron yelled.

"Sam, enough is enough. Just walk away." I pleaded with her.

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