chapter 01

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I walked out of the small gift shop in the hospital with a small, light brown, teddy bear in my hand. I gently squeezed it in my hands, feeling the soft fur on my hands to calm me down. I hated hospitals, I never step foot inside them unless I absolutely have to. 

My sister was in a terrible car accident with her boyfriend. Her was the one driving but the car hit the passenger side so he didn't get nearly as hurt as she did. My sister took the brunt of the impact.

I walked in the Elevator, pulling out my phone and checking my Instagram feed, it was pretty boring. I hated Hospitals for several reasons, one being that they give me the creeps, and the other one being the fact that I'm 100 percent human and if I'm in a hospital and they figure it out, there's no way I'll make it out of here.

My mom was a pureblood when she had me, but then she had my little sister with a 100 percent vampire, and when you have intercourse with a vampire and have a baby, you lose that 100 percent and the more you do it, the more pureness you lose.

My dad was 100 percent human too, and maybe he still is but I doubt it, he's a cheater and a terrible excuse for a dad, I'm sure he's no longer pure. 

I knocked twice on the door then walked in, to see my sister's boyfriend crying to my mom saying how sorry he is, when it wasn't even his fault, they got hit by a driver on drugs, when they went through a green light.

"Max, we've told you several times it's not your fault this happened, you couldn't have prevented it." I reasoned, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at me with a grateful smile and put his head in his hands, Max was 80 percent vampire, and my sister is 50 percent.

"Hey, I bought you this from the gift shop" I smiled, walking over to my sister and setting the teddy bear on her stomach as she grabbed it.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"It was no problem," I smiled, rubbing her shoulder, "how are you feeling?"

"Crappy, but I can deal with it."

I let out a small laugh, "That's good, with that attitude I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time."

She groaned, "I hope so, I don't know how much longer I can deal with this stupid needle stuck in my arm."

We talked and talked, until the nurse told us that visiting hours were over. My sister, Lily, is 16 and her birthday is next month,  I'm really hoping she feels good enough to walk by then because I already bought us tickets to a music festival. 

I drove back to my apartment I've had for about a month now. I turned 19 this year and finally had enough money to buy my own apartment, and I love having my own sense of freedom.

Living in a world where Vampires coexist would seem a little weird to some of our human ancestors because the humans and vampires had a lot of disagreements, but it would seem weird because when you walk around in grocery stores you pass the isles where it's stocked with foods and drinks infused with blood, and sometimes just plastic baggies filled with blood, but that had become my reality, and so many others reality too. 

It's almost just as rare to find 100% vampires as it is for humans too, although I bet there are more, they like to stay hidden. If a 100% human and vampire have intercourse they both lose their 'purity' and a pure vampire will lose all their abilities.

I'm not sure what would happen if anyone found out I'm 100% human, probably harvest me and all of my blood because pure-blood is the most sweetest tasting and smelling blood, from what I hear from stories but I believe

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